"Well sucks to be you, you just passed the opportunity to own an awesome weap—Crack! Argh!"

The moment she touched the shaft a loud sound as thunder reverberated in the cave. A heavy feeling of bloodlust permeated the room with a blue aura engulfing the spear.

"What the fuck!? The fucking thing burned my hand!" Raynare said as she held onto her left wrist, her palm was scorched badly with her skin completely burned off.

Shit, I didn't expect the reaction to be so intense, I was waiting for a small effect, not a full-blown retaliation! "Give me your hand!"

I felt guilty about my previous decision, I shouldn't have let her touch the spear! Damn it!

"Hell no! You stay away from me, I don't need you to make it worse!"

I didn't listen to her and forcefully grabbed her wrist.

"Just shut up and let me heal you, idiot!" Thankfully I brought some healing supplies for the trip. I wasn't going to use the single phoenix tear I had left but instead used another concoction I made thanks to Reya who held knowledge over healing potions as a former magician.


I removed the cork and poured a red viscous liquid on her palm.


It wasn't anything even close to the phoenix tears, but it did its job. A thin fume of smoke rose from her palm as then skin began regenerating at an extremely snail-paced speed. The regenerated skin was still very raw and red, the slight touch could bring a lot of pain to the person. But it would heal up in an hour.



She became strangely quiet for the next few minutes. I was too busy making sure the skin wouldn't just tear itself up. So I applied more healing ointments and a special bandage that would protect the area from further damage.

"You're quite all of a sudden," I said, continuing to wrap her hand in bandages.

"What? I thought you liked me having my trap shut."

"That's… not completely true. You may be annoying, loud, and foul-mouth, but I do appreciate your input on the matter. I prefer your honest attitude; even though it needs some work. And lastly, you don't bother hiding behind a mask with me." I wasn't trying to comfort her or make her feel good, my words were honest and straight to the point.




"Well, that was cheesy as fuck. Did you get inspired by some shitty dollar-store romance novel?" She said with a grin, having fun mocking me. But I felt her tone was less… harsher than before. And her muscles were less tense when I touched her arm, making it easier to care for the wound.

Heh, at least I won't get bored around her.


After a few more minutes of making sure everything was good, we made our war forward to the door. The wood was ancient, filled with mold and vines, carved with hundreds of different runes and symbols.

"I think it's better you stay behind, Raynare. I don't know who's or what's behind these doors, but whatever it is will be very dangerous."

"Ha! Are you worried about me all of sudden?"

Oh, how wrong she was, I may be a jerk and got the potential to be one of the biggest douchebags, but I still wouldn't treat her like a disposable asset.

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