Kana and Leviathan

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I'm back with the next chapter of Shadow Light. Hope you like it.

"Normal speech" people talking.

'Normal thought' people thinking.

"Kurama/Dragons" Kurama or Dragons speaking.

'Kurama/Dragon thought' Kurama or Dragons thinking.

"Jutsu/ Magic" is being used.


Shadow Light

Chapter 17

Kana and Leviathan

Next-day Morning, Uzumaki Mansion

'That was a great dream,' thought Kazehana. She woke up from her sleep and rubbed her eyes off her sleep, she took in her surroundings.

Instead of the bland colours of her room, the room was filled with luxurious furniture and lavish paintings. She also found that her clothes were changed into a set of pyjamas by someone.

"Already awake I see," she heard and turned to see Lavinia Reni, her Club Vice President, standing at the door with a tray of tea. She walked in and put the tray on the table beside her bed. Kazehana stared at her, dumbfounded.

"What? Can't believe what you are seeing?" Asked Reni with a smile.

"She would not be a sane person if she didn't react like that," came a male voice. Kazehana turned to the voice to see Naruto, the man of her dreams leaning on the door, relaxed.

"Wh-what's going on?" She asked finally, as she couldn't believe her eyes.

"Dummy, that's not a dream, that's true," said Reni, sipping tea. Kazehana just stared at Naruto for confirmation. Naruto nodded, acknowledging what Reni said.

"As you wished, I took you in. Didn't you join the Club for that?" Asked Naruto with a smile. A smile that made Kazehana's heart skip.

"Yes, but-"

"You didn't expect that to happen?" Filled in Naruto as he walked closer to her bed.

"Yes. How could I be such naïve to think like that."

"Now, now. No need to be gloomy. Now that you have achieved what you wanted, what do you want to do?"

"Uh, I didn't think about it," she replied sheepishly.

"Hahahahaha," laughed Reni.

"Of course, you didn't. At least you are going to keep your promise, right?" Asked Naruto.

"Y-yes. If it isn't a dream, I heartfully accept whatever you assign me to do," she said with a smile. At last catching up with the fact that she has finally achieved her goal. She is with the man she desired and as promised, she is going to help him.

"Good. As for the question you thought about. These are our original forms. The forms you see in school are just transformations. We should let lose at home at least, you know," said Naruto with a wink and Reni giggled.

Kazehana took their appearances. Naruto's face is mature and had some muscles on his body and he seems to be an 18-19 man compared to the 16-17-year-old look he has in the school.

While Reni looked like someone of Naruto's age, her body is more mature than that seen in school. In fact, Reni's body is more mature than her own.

"By the way, you also changed. Look," said Naruto and a mirror materialised in front of her. She can see the difference. Her body developed more curves and her chest grew an inch or two with her body growing in height as well. But the most different thing was her muscles.

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