Introduction and Confusion Part-1

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I'm back with the next chapter of Shadow Light. Hope you like it.

"Normal speech” people talking.

‘Normal thought' people thinking.

"Kurama/Dragons” Kurama or Dragons speaking.

Kurama/Dragon thought’ Kurama or Dragons thinking.

"Jutsu/ Magic” is being used.


Shadow Light

Chapter 13

Introduction and Confusion Part-1

Naruto woke up groggily to see Miya and Reni opening their eyes. Even though he can sense them in sleep, he doesn't do it as it spoils all the fun. They had fun all week and today is the day he should meet Azuka for his 'testing' according to the letter sent by him. He knew well what he will do, as he gave Ajuka a good idea of what power he had when he took in the Evil piece.

Scene Break

Ajuka's Lab, Underworld

Ajuka was seen patiently waiting for something to happen or rather someone to arrive. With an orange magic circle, came the person he is waiting for. Ajuka sent these particular coordinates in the letter to avoid anyone seeing Naruto coming in as his addition to their faction is a well-kept secret only a few knew.

"It's good to see you again, Naruto," said Ajuka and smiled at the blonde boy. Naruto just nodded.

"Ya. I know man. It's been a while. So, what do we do?" Asked the young blonde stretching himself.

"I want to test you for any abnormalities and then we will meet someone important," said Ajuka seriously.

"Right," said Naruto and Ajuka started his tests on Naruto. Meanwhile, the blonde was thinking who are they going to meet.

"Maybe someone high in the Devil hierarchy," said Kurama.

'Ya, I know that. But who would that be? Maybe another Maou. But I met all of them except Falbium as Jiraiya.'

"Nah. These Maou might be powerful but are just brats. I think it will be some old coot who held more power than these young brats as they are just glorified figureheads," said Kurama. Hypothetically, that would be the case. But Naruto doesn't know anyone higher than a Maou. This would be his first meeting with this person and he should be careful and can't make any mistakes.

As the tests were completed, Ajuka took note of his physical and magical stats and some other vital information, he started conversing with the green-haired man.

"So, who is the person that I'm going to meet," asked Naruto curiously.

"It is Zekram Bael-sama. The Great King." Said Ajuka nonchalantly.

'Oh, the Great King, eh. Hmm, interesting.' Thought Naruto.

"What do you know about the guy anyway," asked Kurama.

'Well, from what I observed, he is one of the first generations of Devils and he is the one who led all Devils to victory in the Devil Civil war against the Old Satan Faction. Does Skiadrum have any encounter with him?'

"Well, the Dragon of Shadows saw him once when he stopped fighting between Elsha and that generation White Dragon Emporer, nothing more."

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