A New King

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I'm back with the next chapter of Shadow Light. Hope you like it.

"Normal Speech"

'Normal thought' people thinking.

"Kurama/Dragons" Kurama or Dragons speaking.

'Kurama/Dragon thought' Kurama or Dragons thinking.

"Jutsu/ Magic" is being used.


Shadow Light

Chapter 6

A New King

Elder Council Chambers, Underworld

"Here is the reply we got from Jiraiya-sama," said the speaker showing the sealed letter to the council which had a stamp of 'Oil' on it.

"What does it say?" Asked one of the councilmen.

'To the Elder Council,

I am honoured to know that you have decided to give me such an opportunity. I am accepting it from the depths of my heart. I hope I can uphold the faith you have put in me. I would like to opt to stay human and ask you to consider this in your preparation for the Evil Pieces set and my magic is Illusion Magic. I will give you more details in person, rather than in a letter. I wish my regards to the Devil Faction as a whole.


Jiraiya, The Gama Sennin.'

"So he does have magic and what of this Illusion magic, is it like the magic used by Yokai," asked a random guy.

"We can't be sure. But he said he would show us in person, then why bother?" Said another man. But one point is clear, Jiraiya having magic did certainly shock the Elder Council.

The Great King thought about it. 'Hmm, so he does have magic. If we can test him against someone, it would be good to find his capabilities. We just thought of giving him High-Class Status as an honour, but seems like Jiraiya is going to achieve it by showing his strength.'

"Calm down, as he had revealed that he had magic, why don't we test him. I'm not suggesting full-on battle, but just testing his capabilities, like his speed, strength and stamina etc will give us a good picture about his strength and will give a chance to Jiraiya to prove himself, strong," said Zekram and loud cries of objections arose.

"Silence," Zekram bellowed, flaring his magic. Everyone calmed down seeing the anger of the Great King.

"What are the objections," he asked, the representative of the dissenting group.

"Zekram-sama, this council including us, has decided to Jiraiya-sama, the position of a High-Class Devil to encourage his works. Now, why is the test of his magic necessary? As we have already decided on his role and as it is in honour, shouldn't we do it as planned?" One of them asked patiently. Zekram thought about it. What he told was true, they had already decided on giving Jiraiya the position as an honour. Now, what does this test prove.

'Hmm, good point. Ok, we shall do it like this,' he thought about the course of action and replied.

"You have brought up a good point, Elder of Phenex clan, we shall do it this way then, we are going to give it as an option to Jiraiya as well. As he chose to show us his magic when he comes, we will give him the chance of showing his skills to an opponent. If he agrees, he shows it in front of all clan heads and their families. If not, we will see it for ourselves," he said. The Council went into a round of murmurs.

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