chapter 173

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The case has finally made a major breakthrough and the main suspect has also been locked.

But Lin Xi couldn't be happy. Chu Muyun's experience back then was too miserable and too appalling. It was hard for her to imagine that a young female college student had never experienced social baptism like that, while the other faced difficulties. The girl who is not yet able to deal with it maturely, in such a desperate situation, did not choose to commit suicide but was still trying to find hope, she had already paid great courage.

Even if she thinks from another perspective, if the family she lives in and the school she lives in are like hell, it will be called hell in earth will work.

She may either choose to die or pull those people to die together.

Lin Xi stood by the window of the study for a long time, deeply immersed in suppressed emotions, unable to come out.

There was no way to solve it at all. She was even thinking, if she could get through the book earlier, if she could come to this world a few years earlier, would the result be different?

The answer is no.

She didn't know anything about the hidden background in the book, and she didn't even know that Chu Muyun died of homicide. In the eyes of everyone, Chu Muyun's death was always a suicide.

It was only because her arrival broke the timeline that this hidden back line appeared.

She once thought about why she came to this world, she had thought countless times, what is the meaning of her coming here, an outsider came to a strange world, and re-accepted a completely different life from before. I really can't find the meaning of becoming the original body.

But now, she understands.

Maybe there really is a god in the world. God couldn't bear what happened to Chu Muyun, and he couldn't bear what happened to Chu Muqing, so she brought a passerby like her here and made a change.

If so, Lin Xi squinted and looked at the dark night sky outside the window.

It seems that such a God is not bad.

Just then, an exceptionally bright star seemed to appear in the sky, it flickered for a moment, and then disappeared.

Lin Xi blinked, thinking that she was dizzy, she rubbed her eyes and looked at the position just now, but it was still the gloomy sky.

Maybe she was really wrong. There is no moon or stars tonight, the wind is howling outside the window, the north wind is blowing, and it is still the dry northern winter weather, which is no different from the past.

It was still early before dawn but Lin Xi had no sleepiness at all.

She walked to the coffee machine, pressed the switch and with the sound of the coffee machine humming, the phone vibrated again.

Lin Xi picked up the phone, and it was Professor Luo who called.

"Miss Lin," Professor Luo's voice sounded from across the receiver, and said to Lin Xi: "The residential address of Guan Qifang you provided is not him, but an idle residential house and the owner is not him. ."

Lin Xi frowned.

When Guan Qifang came to Engan for the interview, it was the third interview that she did in person, and she personally nodded before letting this person enter Engan.

Guan Qifang has been engaged in legal work in major companies before joining Engan, and he is even very famous in the industry.

When he came to Engan, the last question Lin Xi asked him in his interview was why you would give up other large companies and choose to work for a small company like ours.

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