chapter 49

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Dongcheng District Police Station.

Lin Xi was sitting in the interrogation room, the lights were dazzling and there were two police officers sitting opposite her.

Two young police officers were in charge of the interrogation and one of them asked her: "Why did you beat someone?"

Lin Xi replied, "I have already explained it twice just now."

The policeman knocked on the table: "Explain It again!"

Lin Xi frowned and said slowly, "Lu Fangyuan, harassed my wife. Under such circumstances, I have no choice."

"How did Ms. Lu Fangyuan imprison your wife." The policeman looked at her and smiled: "Tell me carefully..."

As he spoke, he looked at another police officer and smiled, "We want to hear it."

Lin Xi glared at him.

"Shut up, are you not convinced?"

The police officer directly opposite her put down the pen in charge of recording and at the same time picked up the baton on the table: "Does this convince you?"

"If you want to say it carefully, just say it carefully." He knocked on the table again, reminding: "It's good to say it, so we can explain it to the top, right?"

Lin Xi glanced around and the surveillance video on the side was not turned on.

It was obvious that they wanted to harass her on purpose. When she came in, the two interrogators had a good attitude but an older middle-aged police officer came in later.

The man explained a few words to the two of them and they nodded and bowed to the director.

When they came in again, their attitudes were completely different and they began to repeatedly ask her to explain what happened.

"Won't say it?"

The policeman opposite stood up shaking his baton and he explained to another policeman: "Hand her up."

Lin Xi sat there still, but looked over with cold eyes, and reminded coldly, "I advise the two police officers to act according to the law."

"According to the law?" The man with the handcuffs smiled: "Here, We are the rule of the law!"

Lin Xi looked at him calmly: "You said..."

"Do you know who you have provoked!" He looked at Lin Xi mockingly, squinting his eyes as if he was looking at a fool, "Boss Lu of the Lu family, is it something you can provoke a low-level citizen like you?"

Lin Xi raised her eyebrows and looked at him: "Are you afraid of Lu Fangyuan?"

The man looked back at his companion and once the two looked at each other, it was as if they heard a joke she was talking about and they covered their stomachs and smiled.

They laughed out of breath.

"Very kindly" and told her: "I'm not afraid to tell you because you can't get out again. This Lu Fangyuan is the only daughter of Mayor Lu Dong, even our director and Lu Dong, then They all cooperated, now you know who you have provoked?"

"I can't understand a little person like her. What nonsense are you talking to her?" The companion said impatiently: "According to what the director said, it's over!"

"Yeah, you're here, don't even think about going out!"

"Rule of the Law? We are the law!"

He said, took the handcuffs and was about to step forward.

Transmigrated As a Scum Who Abandoned Her Wife and DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now