"I am not a prude nor a traditionalist, but you are going to like those options better..." I said to him as my sight went down to the floor for a second.

"We are not having sex until I can see you without the bandages, if you get to see me naked, its only fair it goes both ways" my voice was shaking a little, I know this is a sensible subject. He looked at me for a second then he switched to look through me right to the thing I cannot yet grasp.

"You may have to wait a long time, and there's not even a guarantee that it will happen." He said, his tone was sad and calm, his attention was now on the cutting board.

"That's fine, I am good at waiting, plus, I don't like you just because you are a hot piece of ass" I said, unable to hold back the chuckle, he chuckled too.

We finished and ate our breakfast in peace too.


We were in the living room, the sun was setting and we were just laying on the living room floor looking at the ceiling, listening to whatever is going on in the TV.

"You should tell me if you are going to get high, at least in here when there's someone trying to kill us, you know?" I said softly, trying not to get him defensive.

"You are so boring" he whispered sarcastically.

"Well excuse me for trying to keep us alive and well" I answered laughing.

"You are not excused, let us die together and rejoin in the after life" He said complaining.

"Amen" I said, putting my hands together as if I was praying.

"No, but really Osamu that is dangerous, what are we going to do if someone comes and you are tripping balls? You are the brains and I am only the brawns" I heard him laugh again.

"It's fine, I have everything under control as always" He said, lifting his hands and moving them as if directing an orchestra.

"Fine, but still you have to tell me just so I know, what if I wanted to get high too you selfish bastard" I told him complaining.

"Do you?" He turned his body to me and raised an eyebrow.

"Depends, what you have, pretty boy?" I asked as if I knew what I was doing. I have gotten high before, haven't been the best experiences but not the worst.

"Mmm you don't look the type to get high, so what about weed?" He said wiggling his eyebrows, it was pretty funny.

"Sounds interesting, but if me palideo o se me sube el muerto, you have to bring me back to the life of the living." I said turning to him and pointing a finger at him.

"What is that?" He said confused.

"Palidear or que se te suba el muerto, its when you get a bad trip, palidear comes from going pale, and que se te suba el muerto literally means that a dead one gets on top of you, often referred in sleep paralysis when you can't move or talk" I said acting like Kunikida, I even pushed my nonexistent glasses up the bridge of my nose, Dazai was looking at me with a grin on his face.

"Thanks for the class teacher, I'll be right back" he said standing up and heading to his room, he came back with two joints and a lighter, his eyes looked innocent yet mischievous, as if he knew this was prohibited but that made him want to do it more. He looked younger than he is.

"I might have to accuse you with the President, boy" I said jokingly, and watched as he put one of the ciggies in his mouth and lit it up.

"Oh he knows, he doesn't really care as long as it is not on the job, you think Rampo didn't go running to tell him as soon as he noticed? Such a snitch..." He said laughing and letting the smoke fill the room. I got up and opened the window a little.

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