I could see Sirius Black smirk. "Come on Lil. You think she doesn't know that?" he scoffed. "I bet she already has several plans to get me in trouble and you out of it"

"Oh, how well you know me," I put up a sickly-sweet smile. "Have we met before?"

"No, but I do have a talent-"

My aunt stood in front of the man, shielding him. She was just as tall as him if not a tad bit taller and just as slim, making her cover him completely. "Lower your wand, please"

"Give me one good reason to," I spat.

His head popped from my aunt's side and spoke before she could. "Because I'm your uncle," he smiled giving me a wave.

I was so confused; my hands subconsciously came down on their own. My shoulders dropped and my eyebrows were furrowed, a disgusted and unclear expression evident on my face. "Huh?"

"Sirius!" my aunt whisper-shouted, slapping my 'uncle' on his arm. He let out a loud groan making me lose control and ask the question running around in my mind.

"Seriously Lillian? Him? That the best you can do?" I put the hand that held my wand on my hip and used the other to point at the loon that stood behind my aunt. Almost invisible.

However, the two of their expressions softened when I said that. They even let out a small laugh which I chose not to ask about. We had much to talk about anyway.

I sighed and took a seat on the floor. Black was quick to follow and seemed quite happy. My aunt shook her head and leaned on the only chair in the tiny room.

"You have fifteen minutes before Draco comes looking for me"

"What do you mean looking for you?" my aunt questioned, flabbergasted. "You- The two of you are- You sleep tog- in the same room?"

"We're engaged," I answered as if the answer was obvious because for me it was. "Besides, you have lost the privilege to ask questions. You only answer them now"

"She's engaged?" I heard Black whisper looking shocked but happy. My aunt nodded and his grin grew wider.

I cleared my throat and they turned their attention toward me. My aunt then explained how the two of them would meet whenever possible to discuss strategies and ways to minimise the bloodshed of their loved ones.

I was so engrossed in knowing why the light members weren't dying to notice that all of us were also surprisingly unharmed. Well, no major injuries at least.

She then proceeded to tell me about how Sirius Black proposed to her all those years back and she said yes. She had been engaged to him and they were planning to run away and get married.

"My parents, your grandparents," my aunt explained. "They weren't exactly happy about this relationship. Neither were the Blacks. All of them somehow found out about us running away and broke us up"

"Broke you up? How?"

"My parents gave me a letter saying it was from her. Her parents gave her a letter saying it was from me," Black answered. "Both the letters said the same thing. How the other one wasn't strong enough to run away. How the other one didn't love us enough"

"And you just believed it?"

"Of course not. But at the time, it- it made sense, I suppose," my aunt tried to answer me. Even she couldn't believe why they had been so naïve. "Neither of us believed it but neither of us went to the station either"

"But you said-"

"I know," she laughed, remembering how she told me she went to the train station and Sirius Black never showed up. "I thought if I said it loud enough times, it would help clear my conscience. Maybe even live in a different reality. I don't know-"

"I understand"

Just then, all three of us heard faint footsteps. I could hear my name being called out too. I never could get enough of Draco's protective and caring side.

"I should go," I said getting up and both adults followed my lead. I stopped before leaving. "You know I will be telling Draco about this?"

My aunt let out a loud gasp. "You cannot! Cassiopeia, you mustn't!"

I shook my head and turned away. "I can't keep this big of a secret, Lil. Not from him." I turned to face her after having said this. "I can assure you he won't tell this to anyone else. I will make sure of that"

My aunt nodded reluctantly and I was about to leave when she called me out again. "Cassie, if you and Draco sleep tog- in the same room," she spoke slowly. "Have you two- you know," she began to make weird hand gestures indicating sex.

I let out a loud groan."Please never say or do that again," I scrunched my nose and she noddedinstantly. I could see Sirius Black laugh in the background. "I will, for obvious reasons, not answer that question and instead bid the two of you goodnight"

The Slytherin PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now