Chapter 116- fucking disgusting

Start from the beginning

The only difference was, George got Charlies room instead.

"Yes, love?"


I sighed.
Recently, Y/N had been keeping a dieting book, recording everything she has eaten that had been suggested at the start of the pregnancy.
And she chose today to show it to Poppy.



She'd also become quite the bit snappier.
I was just going to put up with it. I knew she was going through a lot with her body changing and quite literally growing two humans inside of her.
But god was she being snappy with me.

I turned at the laughs that came from the corner of the room, facing my mum and dad, who had been preparing dinner.

"It's alright Fred. Your mother was exactly the same." Dad's voice was cut off with a yelp, signalling that mum had likely jabbed him in the ribs.

"She has every reason to be snappy Fred." Mum defended, "She's going through a lot at the minute, cut her some slack."

I nodded, not wishing to argue with my mum, and understanding where she was coming from.

"You need to get a ring on that girls finger." Dad added, taking me by surprise, "Not every day you find a girl like that."

"There's plenty of time dad." I smiled, "I'm waiting for the right time. But trust me, if she'll have me, that's the girl I'm going to marry. I'd love nothing more than to make her my wife."




She'd almost fallen down the stairs twice today, I was not willing to let that happen again.

Poppy smiled, "Let's take a look then, shall we?"

Y/N laid down on her bed, once we had encouraged her to, lifting up her shirt and exposing her swollen stomach.

It was rather swollen. Her stomach appearing rounder than the last time I had seen it.
I hadn't even been able to have a look in with her.
For some reason, she hasn't let me near her recently.

Around the edges of her stomach were lines of stretch marks.
What could you expect with carrying two babies?
I thought she looked beautiful.
Y/N, however, disagreed no matter how many times I told her.

In fact she was rather embarrassed of them.

The room was rather crowded, consisting of myself, Poppy, my mum and George who had tagged along, excited to see the development of our babies.

"They look to be healthy." Poppy smiled, "No issues, and it looks like you're keeping yourself in good shape, Y/N."

"Show her the book Fred!" she demanded, me quickly obeying and handing Poppy the dietary book.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now