"Intercepted by Ambers!" I heard as I fell. "Now that is what I call dedication. Taking a bludger in your beautiful face so your teammate can score"

"And looks like Malfoy has beaten Harry Potter in catching the snitch leading his team to victory," was all I heard before my eyes shut close.


I could hear faint noises. I could sense they were words and I realised they were all familiar voices as I became more and more conscious. My eyes fluttered open slowly as I shifted into a more comfortable position on the bed, I was in.

I took a deep breath once my eyes were fully open and saw Nora, Narcissa, my aunt, missus Parkinson, missus Greengrass, Severus and Madam Pomfrey all gathered around me in that order. I could sense a lecture coming in about responsibility from each and every one of them.

I was right.

Missus Parkinson and missus Greengrass went first. They never liked quidditch and advised me against even looking at the pitch. However, before they left, they did congratulate me on how well I played, with a little kiss on my cheek.

My aunt and Severus were next. "...I absolutely cannot believe this. Why would you dive for the stupid ball, Cassie? Draco was about to catch the flying ball. You could've won without passing out..." my aunt ranted.

"I will be sure to have a good word with Miss Weasley," Severus assured my aunt after she grumbled about female Weasley and how she needs to be taught a lesson. "She seems to dislike my goddaughter a lot, and I would like to know why"

They were asked to leave by Madam Pomfrey since they were causing a lot of commotion. They did not leave the hospital wing however they did take their conversation away from me. Not before my aunt hugged and kissed me.

Narcissa and Nora sat on either side of my bed as they gushed about how amazingly I played. Nora started a conversation about how awful our school uniforms are and how she would donate new ones, next year.

Narcissa put a hand on my chin affectionately. "I am glad you're alright, my dear," she whispered in a tone reserved for me and me only. "Ignore Lily, she was this way even when Esther- your mum- was sent to the hospital wing"

I let out a small laugh. "It was a lovely game," Narcissa continued with a bright smile. "Your mum would be very proud of all of your achievements and Lily is too. She is just worried about your well-being"

"I know," I sneaked a glance at my aunt, who was currently thinking of ways to hex Ginny Weasley while Severus tried to calm her down. I smiled.

After all the adults were done with their chastising, Warrington, Blaise, Theo, Daphne and Pansy were next. They went on and on about how irresponsible I was and how I shouldn't have done what I did.

I noticed Malfoy had been very quiet since I had regained consciousness. He was next to my bed, but not saying anything. Just standing with his arms folded in front of his chest.

After they were asked to leave by Madam Pomfrey too, my aunt came back and sat next to me. She caressed my back, lovingly. "I'm sorry for screaming at you, darling," she whispered. "In the midst of my anger, I forgot to tell you that you played absolutely incredibly and I am so proud of you. So is your father"

I nodded in response.

"I have to go now," she groaned. "But I expect I can trust you to write to me once you are out, yes?" I nodded in response again. She got up and turned to Malfoy. "Make sure she takes care of herself, will you?"

Malfoy smirked and nodded in response. I rolled my eyes at his typical behaviour. Soon, everyone was made to leave by Madam Pomfrey.

Later that night, as I was all alone in the hospital wing, I heard the doors to the room open. My eyes flew open, just in case I needed to be ready to fight.

The footsteps grew closer and closer and I sat upright as I slowly drew out my wand. I rolled my eyes and fell back on the bed when I saw a familiar blond head and Slytherin robes.

Malfoy walked up to my bed and took a seat on the empty bed next to mine. He put out the spell he had on his want as he did. "Just thought you could use some company," he whispered as he fell on the bed as well.

We were now sleeping on beds about two feet from each other in the middle of the night in the hospital wing.

I turned my head to face the blond and gave him a look that said cut-out-the-bullshit.

He rolled his eyes. "I just- I feel guilty about what happened to you, okay?" he confessed.

"Guilty?" my expression softened. "This isn't your fault-"

"But it is." His eyebrows scrunched. "If I would've caught the snitch earlier, the game would've ended and you would not be in the hospital wing"

I gulped at his words. Guilty? Malfoy? I always thought those were poles apart. "This isn't your fault. I made the decision to play the game, to play as a beater instead of a chaser, to jump in and get hit. And I did all that so we could win, and guess what Malfoy? We did. Thanks to you"

I stretched my non-hurt arm towards him and he rolled his eyes but held it. We were now sleeping on beds about two feet from each other and holding hands in the middle of the night in the hospital wing.

"Yeah, well," Malfoy spoke. "I'm just going to have to get used to you getting hurt"

"Well, do it quietly, because I am tired and in desperate need of some sleep." I slowly let go of Malfoy's hand. I closed my eyes and got comfortable in bed.

"Right, I'm in charge of making sure you take care of yourself"

"Do not, I repeat, do not let that go to your head"

The Slytherin Princessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें