Moving house is imperative and it must be a single-family villa with good air and environment. Otherwise, Chu Muqing will definitely suffer another attack next time, so the sooner the better.

Approaching the kitchen and opening the refrigerator, there was no leftovers that she could take to the company for breakfast, so she had to go to the company to buy it.

She carried her handbag and was about to turn off the light and walked towards the entrance. Xiao Shuyu, didn't know when she got up and walked out of the corridor.

"Woke up so early?" Lin Xi smiled, lowered her voice and looked at her: "why don't you go back to sleep for a while?"

Xiao Shuyu shook her head, a little afraid to look at her.

Last night, she was a little surprised to see the two adults in the family hugging each other and she also saw Auntie Lin enter Auntie Chu's room with her own eyes.

She had never seen such a scene before. She seemed to understand a little bit but she didn't understand a little bit. Her little head couldn't quite figure out what happened between the two adults.

Xiao Shuyu remembered what the boys in the class said and suddenly asked Lin Xi curiously, "Can you give birth to a younger sister for Chengcheng when you sleep with Aunt Chu?"

The child's tongue-in-cheek words and a strong thirst for knowledge but stopped in Lin Xi's ears and the meaning changed directly.

"In the morning, what did you say..."

"But last night, I saw it all." Xiao Shuyu couldn't hold back her curiosity after all.

She only paid attention to whether there would be an annoying little thing that would make Chu Zhi's silly child no longer favored by the two adults.

"..." Lin Xi suddenly raised her head: "What did you see?"

Did She see... she and Chu Muqing hugging? Or kiss?

In front of a young child, she was a little panicked.

She had a guilty conscience but she felt that the child was deliberately teasing her, so she could only pretend to be calm and defend: "Your Aunt Chu is not in good health, there will be no younger sister appearing to compete with you two... Don't worry"

She tilted her head in panic and saw an elegant and tall figure. The woman was still wearing a nightgown, standing with the light behind her back. From her point of view, she could only see an excellent silhouette.

Chu Muqing got closer, Lin Xi raised her eyes and saw that her posture was still a bit sleepy and languid her thin lips were pursed lightly.

Looking at each other's soft lips, she recalled the lingering dream last night.

In the dream, Chu Muqing was very active and her posture was also very attractive.

She also listened to all the child's words, her face was slightly hot but her face was strong and calm and the embarrassment in her heart was actually no better than Lin Xi.

Chu Muqing was silent for a moment and when she noticed Lin Xi's gaze on her face, she raised her eyes to look at her: "Going to work?"

"...Yes, there's a morning meeting." Lin Xi glanced at the clock and said apologetically, "I can't have breakfast with you today."

Chu Muqing hummed and smiled again at the corner of her lips: "Go ahead."

Lin Xi pulled the corners of her lips, she didn't know what to say. Her mind was in a mess. Last night, she and Chu Muqing hugged and kissed. When i see her this morning, I really felt a little uncomfortable.

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