35. A Misunderstanding

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Type: Tharn leave me else I swear I will beat you if you touch me again....

Tharn: Okay then beat me coz I won't stop touching you...baby I am not asking you not to work but please can you do it while sitting on my lap...I am sure your butt is still sore from what we did a few minute back....

Type: Tharn, will you stop reminding me what we did just now...Type pouted, I can't look the same way to this table and the back wall coz they remind me of how you were torturing me back then and I was enjoying every bit of it...but now I don't have time for all this, I need to complete my work....

Tharn: Baby why you are so mean to me...I told you na I don't have a problem with your work...I am just asking you to work on my lap and work, I promise I won't disturb you, baby, please...

Type: Tharn we are in the office, stop behaving like a kid na....He looked at sulky Tharn....baby tries to understand na I am scared what if someone sees us like this, you never keep your hands to yourself, You always touch me here and there..It's not that I don't like that baby but I don't want to take any risk....I worked really hard to come here Tharn...I know people think that I get this post coz of my connection with you and Rayan uncle but it's not true I work really hard for this...

Tharn: Yes baby you ready worked hard back then....

Type asshole, You never take this discussion seriously....by the way, I forgot to tell you that I am coming with you home.....

Tharn: smirk, oh!! so my baby wants his daddy....but baby how can we do it at home...

Type: smacked Tharn's hand .... Shut up...I am not going there to do whatever you are thinking....I am going there coz Grace asked me to come.... And tomorrow I will be on leave too as I and Grace are going shopping....I already asked Rayan Sir for leave and he approved it...I am just informing you....

Tharn: what?? No baby please don't take leave, what I will do without you here.... And why did you ask for leave from dad... I am your boss and I reject your leave ....

Type: As if I will listen to you.... you know Rayan sir is the only one who takes decisions for me... He knew that you will make me work hard that's why he never gave you this authority huh....

Tharn: Babyyyyyyy......pleaseeeeeeeee cancel the leave na...that brat Grace can't go shopping with her girlfriend why she needs you....

Type: Tharn first stop calling me baby in the office...I told you before to call me Mr.Miami in office ....coz of you I started calling you baby....You know how my dad is, in all this matter Tharn, if he ever hears that I am calling you like this I am sure I will be dead meat...

Tharn: Why he is so strict about these small things.....I never understand him, I always ask him to call me just Tharn but he never listens and always uses Sir...

Type: Yeah he is very strict with office rules....according to him, his relationship with Rayan sir is still so strong coz of his professional and personal boundaries...and he says if he doesn't behave properly in the office, people can get a wrong idea they can think that he is using his personal ties with Rayan sir... And That's why he always asks me to behave professionally in the office....

Tharn: But Type, I don't believe in all this and you know that....You are my boyfriend you can call me whatever you want...

Type: I know Tharn but I can't do anything to upset dad..... Tharn please you also have to behave coz I don't want people to think that I am here coz of having a connection with you or Rayan sir...I am talented Tharn and I don't want people to see any less of me coz of our relationship...

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