41. Try Harder Type

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Type left the room and called Grace coz no matter how immature she acts but she always has answers to all the questions especially related to Type coz she knew Type from childhood so she can understand what advice he needs........

Type told everything to Grace and took a deep breath..... Did he ever going to forgive me...

Grace: Yes, and don't mind what he said... He is your dad Type he is just worried for you...

Type: Grace, I made a big mistake right...I love two people in this world the most and I hurt them so bad...

Grace: Type why are you thinking all this do you know you can't take stress.... I know the things are not in your favor right now... but you have to understand if you do something wrong you should be ready to bear the consequences too, and please stop stressing yourself on these matters...I am sure with time everything will be all right... You need to give them time Type...

Type: I know but I feel bad when they behave like this Grace ....

Grace: So what do you want them to act that they forgive you, Type people get upset with people they love the most... Think, your dad who raised you alone though mom was there for you as a mother figure but there was no one besides uncle Leo.... He didn't bring any women into his life so that you won't feel left out, he shared everything with you and thought you will also do the same....

Type you didn't only hide your relationship but you tried to kill the child... Think how Leo's uncle felt when he saw you alone in the hospital, he thought of himself as a failure that he can't assure his son that he will always be with him no matter what....

Type he lives his life alone, you are the only one in his life and when you did all this how he felt at that time... Think idiot....you know better Type that Leo uncle always being strict with you coz he knows if he loses his grip on you then you will do some disaster... He is concerned about what will happen to your career when people will know that you are pregnant and especially with your boss's child....everyone will judge you and he won't be able to do anything to save his only son, the only person he has with him....

And about brother...though I took your side coz I can feel what you were going through that time and I can understand your doubt and mental state.... But Type thinks if same thing brother has done to you... Instead of telling you if he tried to kill your child will you be able to forgive him.... He is not a stupid Type, he understands you but he is hurt, he needs reassurance that you will never do this...

Type: But I can't handle their cold behavior, Grace ...

Grace: This is wrong Type, since childhood you always do this... You first make mistakes and then you expect others not to get mad at you... Always remember Type beggars can't be choosers... Now you made a mistake then you have to wait for them to forgive you ... Every time things will not go according to you.... You are pregnant that really doesn't give you the right to do anything...

Type: Bitch.... Do I look like a beggar to you huh.... Okay, this time I won't behave like a stupid boy I will try my best to make them love me like earlier....happy now...

Grace: That's like my good boy.... Aahh finally you are not as stubborn as you were in childhood Type else making you understand these simple things would be really hard... Su Su na ....

Type: yes Fighting... No matter what they say I will try my best.... I can't pity myself when I am also at fault....

Looked at his belly, baby don't worry I am going to make your grandfather and father love your papa again..... Stay strong okay...Type smiled and went inside to do his work....

IN LOVE WITH MY SECRETARY 4 (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora