Snakeroot Shenanigans Part 1

Start from the beginning

Bean sighed, exited her bed, and walked over to her window. She began staring down at the fountain that was in the garden. "Every time I try to do anything fun, there he is, always criticizing me and telling me that I need to change my ways like he cares about me..." Bean ranted. "All he cares about is being King of Dreamland so he can implement his stupid vision of what a real kingdom should be. He thinks he's so damn smart! He doesn't know anything!"

"I mean..." Elfo began, "He did seem like he was worried about you, Bean-"

"You don't know how my brother is!" Bean snapped as she turned to Elfo and glared. "Didn't you hear what I just said? He doesn't give a shit about ANYONE!"

"Ok, ok!" Elfo said as he held his hands up and looked at Bean, frightened.

"Ugh! Why does everyone always take his side?!" Bean said as she kicked the chair to her desk and returned to staring out the window.

"I-I'm sorry...." Elfo said sadly.

Bean looks over at Elfo. Her frustrated expression turned to sadness, and she rubbed her head. "N-No, Elfo, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that." She goes over to her bed and sits beside Elfo and Luci. "This is why I wanted a drink. I'm just so irritated right now I don't know what to do..." That's when Bean hears yelling coming from outside. Bean and Koga walked over to the window and looked outside. Oona was screaming at the top of her lungs and running around the fountain. 

"What the hell?" Koga said, confused.

Bean's eyes widened with an Idea. "That's what I need...Oona's little helper...."

"Come again?" Koga looked at Bean. "Oona's little helper?"

"Does she have a friend like me?" Elfo asked

"Nope!" Luci replied, "She has no friends! All she has is a drug that makes her happy!"

"Just hold on a second," said Koga. "Are you saying that you want to take the stuff your stepmom is on?"

"Um, yeah, why not? I need something to take the edge off me," said Bean, turning to Koga. 

"So what are you going to do? Asl her for drugs? "Hey, Oona, can I borrow some of your weird drugs that make you go batshit crazy?"  I don't think she will let you have whatever she's got."

"Well...that's where you come in," Bean grins at him. Koga raised a brow at her suspiciously. Bean would elaborate, "All you need to do is just distract Oona while Elfo, Luci and I can sneak in and grab some of her snakeroot!"

Koga crosses his arms at Bean. "Um, yeah, I'm not doing that," He shook his head.

Bean frowned. "Koga, please, I just need a little to calm me down!" Bean begged.

"AND some for your friends," said Luci

Koga groans and rubs his forehead. Bean steps closer to Koga and whispers, "Koga, please...just do this for me...." She said softly to him.

Koga looked down at Bean and stared into her pleading blue eyes. "Fine," Koga gave in. "Just tell me what I need to do."


After Oona had finished her drugged-up session, she returned to the castle and headed into the master bedroom. Bean, Elfo, Luci, and Koga had followed her.  Oona would step into the master bedroom and close the door. Bean began to explain the plan. "Ok, Koga, you'll be on the opposite side when she leaves the room. When you're talking to her, we'll go in, get the snakeroot, and then you can let her go!" She explained quietly. Koga would nod silently to Bean, and he would go and knock on the door. The door would unlock, and Oona would face Koga.

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