"Sure" was all I said, I do not trust white rich people, less men.

"So, we are here to buy off the Skilled Business Permit, and the beautiful translator as well" the blond man said as if it was nothing.

"What the fuck" I said without translating a thing. The President just looked confused but defensive based on my reaction.

"He wants to buy some kind of permit, and ME?" I said puzzled, pointing a finger to my face. The president looked angry and offended.

"I understand the permit, but why would you want... her?" Fukuzawa said, why the tone tho.

"She knows how the business is carried out, and she speaks English, she can help us settle in America" he said, and I noticed he wasn't telling the truth.

"No, to any and all your propositions, it's a no, so please leave the premises." The President responded with a firm voice.

They went away, and the president told me to go back to work but I kept thinking about the interaction and how they wanted to buy me? It's all too weird, never trust white rich men. I was bouncing my knee up and down rapidly while thinking until I felt a hand under the desk holding it down in place.

Dazai looked at me with an eyebrow raised, he must be annoyed by my knee moving all of our desks since they were kind of close.

He then took his hand off my knee still looking at me, stood up and headed to the door, nodding his head towards the entrance, motioning me to follow him.

I am mad at him still, but I went after him.

"What's going on with you?" he asked, leaning on the wall with his arms closed.

"White man tried to buy me off." I said, still not believing what happened. I was even pouting a little.

"What?". He asked, confused but amused by my tantrum.

"Don't make me repeat it" I said letting out a sigh, he just started laughing, just straight up laughing holding his stomach.

"Stop. fucking. Laughing." I said while hitting him on the arm lightly, well not so lightly.

"He has good taste. I'll give him that, also balls, he just asked the President to put a price on you, damn" He kept making fun of the situation.

"I would have given you away for 1 million dollars to be honest" he kept and kept on taking a piss.

"I would have given you out for free" I said, rolling my eyes, "if you are not going to help good bye" I was angry, not at his reaction, but because I was having fun too. I am mad at him, gotta remember it.

"I'll investigate it, it sounds fishy honestly, don't take it bad but well, you don't have an ability, so the reason why he wants you it's unclear, speaking business." he said in a more serious tone.

"Thanks" I said turning around

"You're welcome, pretty eyes" He yelled as I was walking away.


What the girl with pretty eyes didn't know was that the detective suspected something was going on in the backstage of this play, he had noticed since he rescued her from the container.

Strange things happened around her, being in a separate container, running away from home without history of ever doing so, meeting Nakahara Chuuya out of nowhere, and now this...

He was not accusing her of anything, she wasn't aware at all of all the inconsistencies in her life, but it made Dazai wonder what was going on.

A three way war started.


"What do you mean go hide?" I snapped at Kunikida.

"What you heard, there is a direct conflict with two different organizations, it's dangerous for civilians, so you will go to the safehouse with Naomi and Haruno" He said, not really looking at me. He was sometimes scared of my strong personality and honestly, he should.

"No, I am not, you have fought me, you know I can handle myself!" I yelled at him and he looked surprised. I don't like feeling useless while everyone has some kind of part in this fight.

"She will go with the President, she'll be needed there." Dazai said, looking at me and winking. I don't know what he means but I'll roll with it.

We went to a different headquarters. It was nice, I was playing games with Yosano and Rampo, straight up chillin. Wars are boring.

"Something is up." Rampo said, pointing to the security cameras. They were losing signal one by one, and on the last one there he was, my little lion man. I kept a straight face in fear they would know that we are still friends, kind of.

"Yosano, Kenji, go." The President said, I catched him slightly looking at me, but then turned his gaze away.

I was looking at the camera left, curiosity making me tremble in anticipation. I have never seen Chuuyas ability, and gravity manipulation, how cool is that? I was unconsciously smiling at the sight of the man with a hat on the camera.

And then I wasnt, he fucking threw Kenji away by hitting him with a railroad. I got pissed, I took my sword and knives and walked to the underground railroad.

He was about to punch Kenji, and I put myself in the middle, cause I am a rascal. His fist stopped right in front of my face. Chuuyas expression was priceless, between surprise and joy.

I smiled at him, and then punched him.

He was so used to turning his ability off with me that he didn't even notice he let his guard down. I gotta say, he just tumbled a little bit. I am sad but impressed that the man my height was that strong physically without using his ability.

"You touch my fake son again and I'm clawing your eyes off" I yelled at him, and turned to Kenji, inspecting his face and if he had any damage.

"Hey, kittycat" Chuuya said, whipping the blood out of his nose.

"Sup, little lion man" I responded without looking at him for a second, and then throwing a knife at him. It stopped right in the middle of his forehead, the knife had a red aura glowing around it, and then it dropped to the ground.

He then jumped and positioned himself on the roof, standing upside down, his hat not falling nor his hair moved out of place.

"That's so cool~" Kenji said with stars in his eyes.

"I know right?!." I said with excitement in my voice. He looked mesmerizing. The way he carried himself with confidence and pride made sense now, not that it wasn't justified by his personality and looks alone, but having that type of ability and power...It's godly.

"I come here in good faith, in honor of a former friendship'' he said looking at me.

"Fuck off shorty!" I yelled at him and a vein popped, I did it on purpose, since Dazai calls him that and he is kind of sensitive about his height. Everything's fair in love and war.

"Don't fucking call me that, Ill kill you!" he screamed and pointed at me, and I just flipped him off. This was so fun, I get why Dazai teases him so much.

"Well listen to what you have to say." The President's voice rang through the intercom.

Things are about to get tricky. 

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