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   An utter darkness had reigned for hours, the rain pelting down heavily. The only sound present was the distant crackling of lightning and the occasional rumble of thunder. The wind had been picking up steadily as well, but now, it seemed as if all of that noise and wind had stopped, leaving nothing to disrupt the silence that surrounded them.

   Beomgyu and Taehyun laid in the bed, with Taehyun's head resting against Beomgyu's chest. Beomgyu's fingers were twirled in Taehyun's blonde locks, his eyes closed as he slowly moved his legs beneath the blankets, bringing Taehyun close enough that their noses touched and their lips were just barely an inch apart. He couldn't help smiling when he felt the warmth that Taehyun radiated seep into him; the cold had taken most of his energy from his body.

   "Why did you sneak out today?", he asked calmly while brushing the boy's hair, the moonlight shining through the window and onto Taehyun's pale features.

   Taehyun remained silent as he snuggled closer, burying his face in the crook of Beomgyu's neck and breathing softly. "I wanted to see Yeonjun... But I forgot how to get to him"
   Beomgyu could feel Taehyun's heart beating fast. He didn't seem afraid though, so at least there wasn't any real danger lurking in the shadows. "Why, baby? You could have told me and we'd go there together"

   "But you wouldn't take me there"

   "How do you know?"

   Taehyun looked up at him at that, his blue eyes glistening under the soft touch of a pale moonlight. There was something unreadable in those orbs. "Because my brother hates us, doesn't he?"

   Oh! He remembered.

   Beomgyu let out a sigh before leaning down and pressing his forehead against Taehyun's, his eyelids sliding shut for a moment. He was trying not to think about what had happened between the brothers. He'd always hated seeing Taehyun so upset, knowing that one wrong move on his part would put his fiancee in harm's way again.

   "Please, Taehyun, never leave the house without me after that, got it?", Beomgyu spoke quietly. He heard Taehyun give a small nod against his forehead and opened his eyes again, looking down at him. He could still feel Taehyun's heartbeat pounding against his chest and he gave himself a mental reminder to keep calm, because his heart might start racing too.

   Beomgyu gently placed his palm against Taehyun's tummy under his shirt, the skin of his hand gently touching Taehyun's flesh, which elicited a slight shiver from the other boy.

   "You've got a little life growing inside you, Taehyun", Beomgyu said as he ran his fingers over the other man's abdomen. "You need to take care of it because it is precious, Taehyun. It's precious to me and I know it's as important to you, as well. Please, take care of it"

   He watched Taehyun bite the corner of his lip, tears forming in his eyes as he shook his head lightly. "I can't, Beomgyu..."

   "Yes, you can, Taehyun". It may have sounded harsh but it was true. "I'll help you through this. I'll help you through everything, I promise. You're not alone, Taehyun"

   Taehyun's expression softened, a tear falling from his eye. He looked up and gazed into Beomgyu's eyes and Beomgyu could hear his own heart pounding. His breath caught slightly when he noticed Taehyun's mouth moving slightly.

   "...I love you"

   Beomgyu smiled down at him, gently pecking his lips, "I love you too"

   Then he shifted in bed, lowering himself, so he could put his head on Taehyun's bare abdomen instead, the other boy gasping slightly at the contact. Beomgyu gently rubbed circles around his belly as if soothing him.

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