
182 12 0

Seoul, South Korea, 2020

"I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO GET YOUR MOTHERFUCKING ASS BACK IN HERE", a loud shout resonated throughout the entire house, making Beomgyu flinch from fear as he stood at the sink, washing the dishes from supper they had a few minutes ago.

It was his monster boyfriend calling him so furiously from the upstairs, from their room. Beomgyu didn't know why but he had returned ill-tempered from work and why he'd been lashing out at him all evening long. He had no choice but to comply with his demands if it meant he could avoid being hurt further, which is what he feared would occur. However, he knew he could no longer avoid it now that Youngsoo was already so mad, the last thing he wanted to do was aggravate the situation even more.

So, with a heavy sigh and shaking shoulders, he stopped whatever he was doing and walked up the stairs before entering their bedroom with trembling legs and bowed head. The sight of Youngsoo sitting on the side of their bed with his back facing the door, hands fisted in his hair and eyes shut tight, made Beomgyu's blood boil with worry and dread.

His boyfriend looked incredibly distressed; his features were twisted in disgust and anger, lips pressed into a line in frustration while his eyebrows were furrowed tightly in annoyance, teeth gritted and chest rising and falling quickly in rage.

With a few tears and a hopeful look in his eyes, Beomgyu stepped closer hesitantly, afraid of what might happen if he made another mistake. He took slow steps forward until he was only a few feet away from his boyfriend, watching him carefully and fearfully. When he saw the older boy opening his eyes to give him a sharp glare Beomgyu felt his breath hitch painfully in his throat and he lowered himself to one knee, taking a small step closer.

He reached an arm forward in an attempt to comfort him and take his hand, but when he made contact with Youngsoo's shoulder, his heart nearly fell to the floor upon seeing how hard the man was breathing as though he had just run 10 miles.

The next thing Beomgyu knew, Youngsoo grabbed his wrist harshly, causing the poor boy to cry out in pain and shock and drop to both knees in tears while trying to pull away from the older's hold on his wrist. He desperately pulled and tugged, but Youngsoo wasn't letting go of him no matter how much he pleaded, no matter how much he cried or how much he was hurting.

"Do my fucking words mean nothing to you, huh?!", Youngsoo snarled loudly and angrily with bulged out eyes as he held onto Beomgyu's arm tighter. His grip was harsh and strong enough for him to feel the skin underneath his thumb being rubbed raw by how hard he was squeezing the smaller's wrist, "ANSWER ME!"

Beomgyu couldn't reply as he tried his hardest to keep his tears at bay as he nodded vigorously at him with teary eyes, not able to speak. He watched as the older male raised his other hand and smacked his cheek, causing Beomgyu to let out another gasp in pain.

"You're fucking worthless to me!!", Youngsoo yelled angrily and continued to hit him with increasing force and strength, not bothering to stop even when Beomgyu whimpered and sobbed quietly at each hit to his face or body. Tears started to fall down his cheeks uncontrollably, stinging his reddened cheeks, "Answer me you fucking idiot!!"

"I-I was w-washing the dishes", the younger responded through a choked voice, still looking up at Youngsoo as his whole body shook with suppressed sobs, "P-please, I didn't k-know you'd g-get this...- this mad"

Beomgyu could barely see Youngsoo through his blurred vision and teary eyes which made it difficult to focus. He could feel the burning heat radiating from his boyfriend's hand where his skin touched his abused wrist once more, making him cry out and pull away again, but Youngsoo wouldn't release his hold on his wrist. Instead, he pulled him up and threw him onto the bed roughly, forcing him to land on his back.

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