"I won"

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The time had stopped. The universe ceased spinning, or perhaps they just stopped for the world to see that they were finally together. No other universe mattered but this one at this moment, the small one with a tiny star between their hands, a tiny galaxy with an infinite amount of stars that made up the rest of existence. They looked like fireflies, glowing softly, illuminating their path through the darkness. They were so close, their bodies fitting perfectly against each other as if they knew each other by heart; as if there was only one soul to match every other, a single being in which the universe was whole.

He could no longer imagine the universe without him in it, even if he tried. He could no longer picture himself existing anywhere else than this moment, surrounded by his light, his love, his home. He wanted to spend the rest of eternity here. Forever with him. Always and forever together. Nothing else mattered.

That's why he was holding him so tightly now as if he was afraid the younger would slip away from his grasp; as if he was frightened the younger would disappear before his eyes. His fear was so great that his grip tightened around the younger's waist, almost crushing him against his chest in an attempt to keep them both from moving far away as his lips moved against Taehyun's ones, tasting their strawberry flavour and feeling the younger boy melt into him.

As one of his hands ran along the soft skin beneath Taehyun's cheekbones, his fingers slightly brushed against his temple, his hair. He wanted them to always be this close together, forever, in this very moment even if Taehyun was just frozen in his place and not reacting to this kiss at all. He was still his. At that moment Taehyun was no one else's but his and only his and this idea was driving Beomgyu insane.

It was his Taehyun, his love and he couldn't help but kiss him deeper, desperate to find some way to make the younger reciprocate the kiss, to show him how much he meant to him and how he felt deep inside, but... Then he got pushed away harshly by Taehyun and Beomgyu felt like the whole world got snatched away from his hands; like he was being crushed by an unknown force.

As he flickered his gaze to the younger to take a look at him, he saw a hand flying towards him, ready to hit him hard. Beomgyu's reflexes turned out too fast as he raised his arm to catch the younger's wrist before his hand could strike his face, and pulled him towards himself again by the arm as he was too eager to taste him once more. He couldn't think straight because he was driven by his desperation for the blonde and his lips. He abruptly crashed his mouth against Taehyun's once more and kissed him harshly as his arms found their way around the younger's waist again.

Beomgyu's heart raced all over again, heat rushing into his body as excitement brewed beneath his chest, but the reason for his delirium wasn't the fact that he was kissing Taehyun, but the fact that Taehyun was now kissing him back, eagerly and desperately as he wrapped his arms around the older's neck.

Beomgyu felt like he could burst, feeling so much happiness bubbling within his stomach. He'd finally gotten Taehyun to kiss him back! He couldn't be any happier than he was right now, with Taehyun's soft lips pressed against his own, and the two of them breathing each other in.

Taehyun's lips felt as soft and pliant as silk; his touch was just as tender as ever, a hand stroking along Beomgyu's nape lightly to push him closer. He grabbed the fistful of the older's hair to kiss him like there was no tomorrow; like he'd been thirsty for this moment for ages. Like he'd been longing to finally taste those plump lips, to feel the warmth radiating from the other's body.

Beomgyu didn't know what had possessed him, but he was sure he would never regret doing this with Taehyun, the boy who somehow managed to break down all of his barriers and put him out of control. He didn't regret falling for him either, at least not at this moment, not when Taehyun was kissing him like he was drowning, pulling him deeper and deeper into the kiss until it hurt, making him want to gasp for air because his lungs were deprived of oxygen, but he still wasn't drawing back. It felt like the world would fall apart if he did.

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