"the shadows of the past"

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Life rhythmically flowed like water. The sun rose and set in the same way, leaving behind little to no changes in scenery. It could all be said to have been an endless cycle of days and nights that were never any different, but everything had changed drastically for a certain person, Choi Beomgyu, for the past few days.

He had been through so much ever since his father’s death left him completely broken and lonely. It felt like he was left alone on this planet with no one who would help him get over what had happened. For more than a year, he suffered in the hands of his bastard boyfriend, a person who was supposed to give him love and support, but instead, Youngsoo broke Beomgyu’s body and heart at every chance he got.

Then, after a long time, a beautiful saviour appeared in Beomgyu's life out of nowhere and gave him the life the boy had always dreamt of. He gave him love, care, and attention Beomgyu lacked so bad. Yeonjun gave him warmth, comfort, and safety, made him feel safe and loved. Back then, Beomgyu thought that this was the beginning of his paradise, of a happy life; he was in euphoria and ecstasy whenever Yeonjun touched him or even looked at him the way no one else had done before as if the boy could live without anything else in the world but him. Beomgyu started to see everything in bright colours at first and it was beautiful, it was bringing him so much enjoyment and glee, but later he started to realise that even so much wealth, a new house, freedom and a caring husband by his side didn't turn out to be enough to replace the emptiness that used to fill his heart. Yeonjun's genuine love and affection couldn't manage to heal the wounds that still lingered. They were left untreated.

Maybe it was the appearance of Taehyun in his life; maybe the latter was the one who made him realise how fake his happiness really was and brought him down from his high. Or... maybe it was the time that made him slowly stop being delusional about his marriage and made him discover that he was falling for someone else which he refused to accept. Whatever it was, it wasn't his fault. If anyone is to blame, it should be his own heart. It's the only thing that could hurt him the most.

That's where another suffering phase of his life began. He lost his sleep. At times, he just lay awake in his bed staring at his husband through the dark and convincing himself that his love towards him was true and that he wasn't falling for his brother-in-law, but in the end, he knew the truth was the opposite. He had fallen in love with Taehyun and it made him scared. He felt afraid of himself and his feelings. He felt guilty that his heart had cheated on a pure soul like Yeonjun so cruelly, but as soon as he accepted his feelings towards Taehyun and admitted that he was in love, everything began to change. The feeling of guilt disappeared somewhere and in its place was something far more powerful and dangerous. Something which could change his entire life and lead him to a bright future or complete destruction.

They struggled; they hurt each other; they were scared to love; but now as Beomgyu sat in the cafe in front of Taehyun who was reading a menu attentively, he knew that it was another chapter of his life. It was the season of love. Love of the best kind.

The moonlight shone brightly across the table, giving light to both of their faces and illuminating their beautiful features as the blonde continued reading a page in a comforting silence and Beomgyu knew his heart had never been this genuinely happy before, it was too beautiful for words.

Taehyun's eyes moved along lines in a soft expression that Beomgyu wanted to imprint into his mind so bad until the day he died. He gazed with hypnotised eyes as the corners of the younger's mouth tugged upward, forming a small smile that had some pride gracing his pink, glossy lips tinted by the glow from the lights above them. Beomgyu thought that he looked like the brightest star in the night sky, the moon shining right next to him and reflecting in his eyes.

Their relationship had evolved in quite a romantic way. It had been a few days after the night Taehyun finally confessed, but Beomgyu still had difficulty believing that any of that was real as it all was too good to be true.

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