"a final goodbye"

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   The world seemed to blur into a grey mass, everything fading to white. The walls felt like they were pressing down on his shoulders as his lungs felt like they had been compressed, making it harder and harder for him to breathe. He sat there frozen, his brain unable to comprehend the information that it had just received. His heart thumped furiously in his chest; it was difficult to even think straight, let alone speak coherently.

   It was until he heard his phone ring. With shaking hands, he reached over and held the device. It felt like his actions were subconscious and he had no control over them. The world spun around him. As if from a distance, he watched himself pick up the phone and answer the call without giving a glance at the caller ID.

   "Have you already seen the news?", he heard Youngsoo's sarcastic tone from the other side of the line, followed by a long pause before he continued. "Do you finally know the truth?"

   Yeonjun remained silent. He was pale as a sheet as he stared out of the window of his cabinet, staring at nothing and yet seeing everything, everything that could have gone wrong with his life tonight.

   "Well? Are you going to say something or are you just gonna leave me hanging here?", Youngsoo asked mockingly.

   "It was you...", Yeonjun spoke in a low tone, his voice barely audible, "You set this trap for me"

   "It's not a trap, Yeonjun", Youngsoo assured in a careless tone, "It's the truth. Don't you see bags in their hands? They tried running away, but my ex-boyfriend is a coward you know... He ruined their plan"

   "You're lying..."

   "Go and ask your brother yourself", Youngsoo challenged and Yeonjun felt an immediate fear gripping him, "See what he'll say"

   That's what made Yeonjun go silent and grip the phone out of frustration and pain. He heard the other line go dead, as if Youngsoo had cut the line, then Yeonjun lifted down the phone, gulping heavily.

   What was he supposed to do now? How could he go to Taehyun and ask him questions about Beomgyu's and his relationship? Yeonjun was sure it was a mistake even if the pictures said otherwise... He would only embarrass himself if he talked to Taehyun about this. It would also hurt the blonde. He'd be upset knowing his brother didn't trust him, but Yeonjun also needed the answers. The pictures in the news were very suspicious and he needed explanations, especially regarding those bags...

   A sudden knock echoed through his cabinet and Yeonjun jumped up, surprised. His mind immediately went back to his brother and the latter soon appear in his vision when Taehyun opened the door and peeked inside, smiling when he spotted Yeonjun. "Hey", he greeted with a smile and entered the office.

   Yeonjun froze almost instantly, the pictures of him and Beomgyu flashing before his eyes and making his entire being ache.

   "Hyung", Taehyun smiled softly, "Aren't you hungry? I've prepared supper"

   Yeonjun watched him for some time, thinking about what he had just read and seen in the news. The images in the papers kept playing before his eyes and his thoughts started becoming blurry. Taehyun was looking at him with concern, walking towards him, obviously noticing that something was off.


   Yeonjun's eyes trailed to his laptop as Taehyun got close, not even able to move an inch which caused the blonde to look at the screen as well.

   And the moment he saw the pictures of him and Beomgyu on the screen, his entire world stopped spinning and all the colour left his face.

   It wasn't a dream. Everything that was happening was real and Taehyun looked like a dead right now. It was like he was having a nightmare.

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