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He was asleep on the floor, his eyes half-lidded and face puffy. His cheeks were stained with dried tears that had been running down his flushed face and neck in streams. He was breathing heavily through the pain as if he had just been crying for hours on end. His entire body was shivering and shaking from the intense coldness that invaded the room through the open windows.

A small tear escaped his eye and rolled off of his swollen cheek and onto the floor. The floorboards creaked lightly as he shifted on the floor, but he didn’t wake up. He just continued to lay motionless. He wasn't cold enough to notice.

He heard someone knock on the door, but he couldn't manage to wake up or get up. It opened slowly, and light fell on him slowly like an angel descending from heaven to watch over their mortal enemies.

He started to feel colder as the main door opened and the crisp air entered the house. A small breeze was let inside and blew the curtains. He felt it blow against his arms and legs, which was the only thing he could move. Then the wind moved towards him, gently and he felt something touch his face, which was still wet with tears. It was a hand, warm and soft. It brushed away the tear that made its way down his face.

"I'm sorry, Hyung", he whimpered weakly, feeling completely drained now, his mind was not fully awake yet. There was no way he could fight the tiredness anymore. He wanted to sleep. He wanted to fall back to dreamland and forget about his problems, "I love you. I really do"

Beomgyu was sure he heard a soft sigh come from behind him and felt the gentle stroke of the hand against his hair once more.

"I know", the voice sounded tender, almost... sad.

Beomgyu blinked slowly. Everything felt so heavy. He felt himself being lifted off of the ground and into arms. His head rested against something warm and solid. A shoulder. He recognized the smell and voice that belonged to another person, he knew exactly what kind of smell this was. His head was resting against the other's chest. His breath hitched slightly as his lungs struggled for air. He felt someone holding him tightly.

Someone who smelled like home.

He let out a deep shaky breath as his eyes slowly fluttered open very weakly, his eyelids barely working to stay open. He didn't want to wake up fully, but he needed to take a look at the person that was holding him so tightly and lovingly right now.

The first thing he saw was the familiar face, the one he loved but hated at the same time more than anything. It was hard to make out his features because the dark lighting in the room hid them, but Beomgyu knew this was Taehyun, and he would recognize those features anywhere. His gaze slowly travelled down, past Taehyun's chest and then up again until they finally settled onto his beautiful orbs.

It took everything in Beomgyu to keep his expression even though he felt as if he'd collapse in Taehyun's strong grasp. His heart was hammering against his ribs so fast it hurt. His throat tightened and burned, threatening to swallow all the words he had stored within himself. He wanted to shout at him, to hit him and get out of his arms as soon as possible, but he was tired. So, so tired and his consciousness was fading fast. All his body craved for was falling into oblivion, and the comforting aura of Taehyun's arms around him was making him want to sleep more and more. He felt too worn out like he had just spent the rest of eternity walking the Earth.

The moment he got gently put down on the bed, his eyes closed and he felt a bit cold now that the warmth of Taehyun's embrace was gone. It sent a chill through him and a shiver down his spine. It was like he was a baby being placed in a new crib. A strange sense of helplessness came over him when he remembered his lack of power, his lack of control in this situation. He felt weak like he could cry at any second now and no one would be able to stop him.

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