"a brother"

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   "Hi, sweetheart", Jiwoo greeted her son as she kissed his cheek while holding the puppy in one arm, "How are you?"

   "Good, mom. What about you?"

   "Look who I brought", Jiwoo said as she held Lucas up a little higher, showing him to Taehyun, "Say hi, baby boy!"

   "Aww", Taehyun cooed cutely as he held out his hands and held the puppy in his arms. Lucas had grown a little bit more since their last meeting; he was now just shy of 10 months old, and already starting to get heavier. Taehyun loved it though because Lucas got to cuddle with him all the time! He would give him kisses on the belly, too, and make him giggle in excitement every time.

   "Hi there, little guy", Taehyun cooed at the puppy as he gently moved it around in his arms, "Aren't you so adorable? Oh look at your big eyes. How did you even grow so much so fast?!", The blonde boy laughed as he rocked the pup back and forth. He was getting really excited lately; he had a lot on his mind and it showed through, but Jiwoo didn't think that was bad at all.

   Her son looked happier and this made her happy as well. She knew how worried he'd been recently, but seeing the way his mood was lit up like this made her heart swell. Maybe he was finally starting to feel better!

   "Oh, Hi!", Beomgyu greeted awkwardly as he walked down the stairs while holding Taeyong in his arms, the latter's face buried into his chest "I hope we're not interrupting anything", he said while looking down at his baby girl with a little smile on his face.

   "Good morning", Jiwoo greeted back while scratching the back of her neck.

   "Gyu, look who my mom brought", Taehyun said happily while showing the puppy to his boyfriend, "Isn't he so adorable? Don't you agree?", He asked as Beomgyu nodded and smiled.

   "Yes, I do", Beomgyu replied honestly as he carried their child down the stairs and walked toward the two of them.

   "Oh, my baby", Jiwoo cooed when she saw Taeyong laying peacefully in Beomgyu's arms, darting her gorgeous blue eyes around curiously. Her fluffy hair reminded her of Taehyun's and her eyes were so wide and innocent, that it was almost comical. She couldn't believe she was actually her grandchild! "Who's here, huh?", she asked playfully while poking the tip of Taeyong's nose which made the baby smile widely in response. She leaned forward and started pressing kisses against Taeyong's head. The toddler started squealing happily.

   "Come to me, baby. Come on", Jiwoo said happily as she took the baby in her arms and placed her on her lap. As soon as Jiwoo put Taeyong down she picked her up again and pressed another kiss onto her head. Taeyong was now giggling loudly and smiling widely while playing with Jiwoo's long brown hair.

   Beomgyu chuckled softly as he watched the whole thing unfold. Then he turned to Taehyun who was busy playing with Lucas and grabbed the puppy, holding him up in front of his face, "Hi, little buddy", he said playfully as he tickled him lightly, "I'm your daddy, isn't that right? Well daddy is very happy to meet you again"

   It had been long since he last saw Lucas. Beomgyu had really missed the puppy so much and the times Lucas, him and Taehyun used to spend together. It was such a good time!

   "This puppy is your present, right?", Taehyun asked happily while Beomgyu kept bouncing Lucas up and down. He was still holding the puppy close to his chest.

   "Yeah", Beomgyu answered while laughing, "I bought him for you"

   "Thank you", Taehyun suddenly gave him a side hug, surprising him.

   It took him a second to respond, then he wrapped an arm around Taehyun and patted his back reassuringly while holding the puppy in one arm, "You're welcome, baby. You're welcome"

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