"the memories"

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   Beomgyu kept looking at Taehyun with wide eyes, his brain unable to comprehend what he had just heard. Was he... Hearing things right? No, Taehyun couldn't be saying that. He wouldn't do that, right? Not to him?

   Beomgyu squeezed his hand, his gaze averting from Taehyun's eyes back to their joined hands. He took a deep breath, calming himself down a little. "T-Tae, what are you asking?", he questioned, staring deeply at the other male.

   A cold and serious expression spread over Taehyun's face, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he lifted his gaze back to meet Beomgyu's stare, "I asked who you are. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

   Beomgyu swallowed hard, his eyes burning into Taehyun's with desperation before turning his head to the side, trying his best to hide his tears from the younger.

   Did Taehyun seriously forget him? Out of all people, Taehyun forgot him? He was his lover, his soulmate. They'd been together for months, they'd grown closer over these months, they loved each other... Taehyun should remember. He should remember everything. Why was he acting like this...? Like he didn't even care at all?

   "T-Tae, I'm B-Beomgyu, don't you remember me?", he tried to speak calmly, trying not to burst out crying or scream at the top of his lungs because it hurt so damn badly to hear Taehyun ask such a thing. It hurt him to see that the boy didn't remember him. It meant that he didn't also remember everything they'd been through together, didn't it?

   The moment he returned his eyes to Taehyun's blue ones, he saw confusion written all over the boy's features. His mouth opened a few times, trying his best to reply but only producing words that sounded completely incomprehensible. All Beomgyu managed to understand through his mumbling was the word 'no'. He kept shaking his head. That simple word seemed to be causing Beomgyu immense pain.

   "Beomgyu...", Taehyun said, his eyes staring up at the ceiling as if he was trying to remember something. Beomgyu looked at him with hope glistening in his eyes, "Beomgyu..."

   He suddenly felt a soft touch on his cheek, pulling his gaze down to look at the raven-haired boy again. A warm, familiar hand caressed his left cheek as it ran over it slowly. Taehyun remembered it. This touch. How it felt. It was familiar and dear to him. It was the feel of his soulmate. He remembered every single detail from their first meeting.

   "Beomgyu... My brother-in-law"

   The last word kind of hurt Beomgyu but also gave him hope. He didn't want Taehyun to remember him just as his brother-in-law, but it was a good thing that he at least remembered this. He was slowly remembering the boy.

   "The father of your child", Beomgyu corrected softly, his tears starting to stream down once more. Taehyun stared at him confused, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried his hardest to recall something about their life together. But nothing was coming to his mind.

   "Child?", Taehyun asked in confusion as if he didn't remember that he now actually had a child, "What?"

   "Our child, Tae", Beomgyu pressed, holding Taehyun's hands tightly in his own, with some hope evident in his tone of voice, "You gave birth to her today"

   Taehyun had to think about this for a while, and then he remembered, all the pain he experienced while giving birth. He remembered how the pain and suffering were unbearable and his entire body ached with pain until the baby had finally come into the world, then he remembered Beomgyu. It was then his eyes filled with tears. He remembered him, most of the things they had been through together and... How they broke up.

   "Beomgyu", he whispered softly, a stray tear rolling down from the corner of his eye and the moment Beomgyu saw recognition in his expression, hope blossomed inside him. If he wasn't dreaming, this couldn't possibly be real.

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