"a game"

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   Beomgyu woke up feeling happy. It was the first time in a while, and he could tell that this day wouldn't be like all the other days. Today, it felt different. Maybe because he woke up next to Taehyun, his beautiful angel. His face being the first thing he saw in the morning, Beomgyu knew the whole day would go well.

   Smiling to himself happily, Beomgyu turned to face Taehyun who was still asleep, but with a little smile on his face as if he was dreaming, making him look absolutely adorable, Beomgyu thought fondly of him. He reached out to gently touch Taehyun's cheek, caressing him slowly before leaning forward and giving him a kiss on his forehead, just a soft peck but it made Taehyun stir.

   "Good morning, TaeTae!", he smiled brightly at him. "My beautiful Prince", he whispered lovingly.

   Looking back at Beomgyu, Taehyun smiled sweetly before pulling him into his arms. "Good morning too, baby", he said and closed his eyes over again while pressing Beomgyu tightly against his chest, as if he was a teddy bear he didn't want to let go of, "You're so cuuuute"

   Taehyun mumbled cutely before turning onto his side, snuggling himself closer to the older male, wrapping an arm around his waist. "I love you so much, Beomgyu", he sighed contently, nuzzling his nose against the older's neck.

   Breath hitching in his throat, Beomgyu couldn't help but melt under those words. How did someone feel this amazing when hearing their own name?

   "Tae, you're gonna be late at work"

   "I don't care, hmmm", Taehyun muttered sleepily into his skin, tightening the grip around the boy's waist.


   "Hmm, what is it?"

   "I'm gonna be late for college"

   "Why do you have to be such a workaholic...", the younger whined softly into his ear, making his heart flutter in delight.

   Chuckling softly, Beomgyu placed one of his hands on Taehyun's head. The older boy liked to play with his blonde hair sometimes, and today was no exception.

   Satisfied with the way Beomgyu was holding him, Taehyun fell asleep, content with his position.

   As they slept together, Beomgyu couldn't help but think about how lucky he truly was to be able to spend all his time with Taehyun. Being able to wake up in his arms after spending the night together. It all made his heart flutter whenever he thought about the boy.

   Taehyun didn't seem to wake up anytime soon, so after a while, Beomgyu secretly slipped out of his arms and sat on the edge of the bed, revealing a cage tattoo on his bare thigh.

   He stopped moving for a while just to stare at his tattoo and ponder on the meaning behind it. It was something only he and Taehyun knew about. It felt exciting to have a secret with the love of his life. It felt so much more than just a small tattoo though. It meant so much more than a simple reminder of who he belonged to. It meant that soon they'd break all the barriers and break free. Just like Taehyun promised, by his next birthday, they'd be alone in private, they'd be living their new and better life. It meant that after just a year, they'd be free and happier. But...

   What was Beomgyu's present going to be for Taehyun's next birthday?

   Beomgyu couldn't get that question out of his mind. His brain kept looking for the best options possible. But nothing seemed quite right. He needed to figure out a good gift for Taehyun. That didn't mean he had to settle for anything less than perfect...right?

   "Morning Lucas", Beomgyu chuckled after leaving Taehyun's room and bending down to lift the puppy that was practically glued to his leg. "How are you this early?", he asked Lucas and the pup whined, clearly unhappy about something as he licked Beomgyu's face, trying to convey some kind of message.

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