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As soon as the door was locked behind Robin, Maddy had turned with a smirk on her face, leaning closer to the taller girl, a clear look in her eye

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As soon as the door was locked behind Robin, Maddy had turned with a smirk on her face, leaning closer to the taller girl, a clear look in her eye. Robin looked Maddy up and down with a smile, before moving around Maddy and over to the toilet, leaving Maddy looking at her annoyed.

"What? Yelling at that piece of shit made me need to piss," Robin said with a little giggle as she pulled down her pants. Maddy just shook her head, making her way over to the mirror and instantly retouching her lip-liner, seeing as the bottle she had drank on the way had smudged it a little.

Cassie Howard stayed silent as she lay in the bathtub, eyes wide and hand firmly pressed over her mouth as her two friends talked to each other normally, unaware of her presence.

"These fucking heels are killing me," Robin groaned, looking from the heels that were too tight, too high and way too uncomfortable to be wearing for more than ten minutes at a time, over to Maddy from where she sat, "I don't know how you wear these death traps so often."

"You're just a baby," Maddy said endearingly, as Robin went to grab toilet paper, only to realise there wasn't any. Her face dropped at the sight, a small dread filling her as her eyes snapped from the empty toilet roll and over to Maddy.

"There's no toilet paper," Robin said to Maddy with wide eyes, the girls' eyes scanned the room, landing on nothing but a towel. "Fuck no."

"I don't think you have any other option," Maddy said, trying to hold her amused laugh at bay. She felt a little bit of sympathy - she was just glad it wasn't her.

She walked over to it, grabbing it between two fingers and looking at it in disgust.

"You're gonna have to use this," She continued, looking over at Robin with a look filled with a newfound sympathy - Robin's own face showed disgust.

"Fuck my life," She mumbled as Maddy handed it to her. She wiped herself off quickly, almost gagging at how gross the situation was, before quickly throwing it over the shower curtain and into the bath - landing right on Cassie Howard's face.

"How can you not have any toilet paper at a party?" Robin asked as she stood up, pulling up her pants and walking over to the sink to wash her hands.

"Nate used it all while shitting," Maddy said sarcastically, walking up behind Robin and hugging her. Robin smiled, turning off the faucet and tuning her body round to hug Maddy back.

"You're clingy," Robin says quietly to the girl, making Maddy roll her eyes and look up at Robin's face. Her eyes fell slightly as she pulled away, quickly moving her hands up to Robin's face.

"Your mascara," Maddy shakes her head, putting her thumb up to Robin's eye to wipe away the mascara that had managed to smudge. Robin stared at her concentrated face with a stupid smile, unable to stop her heart from racing, "I'm doing your makeup next time we go out."

"Because we know how well that makeover went last time," Robin said sarcastically, and the comment made Maddy chuckle, shaking her head at the words.

"I thought you liked that makeover session?" Maddy then asked, a clear flirt in her tone.

"The last twenty minutes, yeah," Robin nodded, moving her hands to Maddy's hips and pulling her closer, "I specifically remember you liking when I called you a good girl."

Maddy froze, staring into Robin's eyes, a glazed over, loved up look in them.

"Look at you," Robin giggles, turning them around so Maddy was against the sink. She looked the girl up and down, Maddy's eyes never leaving Robin's face, "I love the dress by the way."

Maddy's hands moved to hold onto the sink, pulling herself up and opening her legs so Robin could stand in between them, which the Jacobs girl happily did. Her hands then moved from Maddy's waist to her things, her hands rubbing up and down them slowly as Maddy's hips rose into the air slightly, wanting more touch. She was putty in Robin's hands.

"So needy," Robin whispered, staring at Maddy's thighs as the dress rode up higher and higher.

"Please," Maddy whispered, somehow breathless. Robin moved her gaze to Maddy's face then, seeing how desperate she was. She moved her face closer to Maddy's, one hand going under the dress, but still staying on Maddy's thigh, not going any closer to where Maddy wanted it.

Maddy leaned forward to kiss Robin, but Robin moved her head to be next to Maddy's ear.

"I wanna get a drink."

And with that, Robin moved away from the sink, her hands falling off of Maddy. She watched Maddy's face fall, disappointment clouding her features as she got off the sink and pulled her dress back down her legs.

"You're a bitch," Maddy said, shaking her head. Robin just laughed.

"What happened to 'I'm choosing you' and 'I care about you' huh?" Robin asked unlocking the door and opening it for Maddy to walk through.

"Fuck you," Maddy said simply as she walked past Robin and out of the bathroom. The comment made Robin laugh as she headed out too, just missing the ringing of the phone in the bathtub, and more importantly, the girl in the bathtub who heard everything.

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