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After Lexi had allowed Robin into her home, she'd cleaned up the back of her head, thankful no stitches were needed, and given her some clothes to change into for bed - Robin had been set for the most part, thanking Lexi whenever she brought her s...

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After Lexi had allowed Robin into her home, she'd cleaned up the back of her head, thankful no stitches were needed, and given her some clothes to change into for bed - Robin had been set for the most part, thanking Lexi whenever she brought her something she needed. Lexi was a good person, and in a place like this there were hard to come by.

They'd both ended up sat on Lexi's bed after Lexi had taken off the Bob Ross look, talking about random things to keep them occupied - the two weren't exactly close, but Robin found herself enjoying Lexi's company more than most.

"So... what happened?" Lexi ended up asking, curiosity getting the better of her, "If yo udon mind talking about it, of course, you don't have to... I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry."

"Don't sweat it," Robin shook her hand, playing with her nails, "I probably scared the shit out of you guys."

"Just a little," Lexi answered, making Robin sigh.

"You want the short answer or the long answer?" She then asks. Lexi wasn't the most popular, and telling her wasn't exactly gonna be a problem. I mean, who was she gonna tell? She kept to herself, she didn't have the guts to gossip.

"I've got time for the long," Lexi replies sweetly.

"Okay," Robin sighs, and Lexi listens attentively, "So, when I was younger, I saw some shit I shouldn't have, I'm talking, like, next level shit. It got to me, and I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I ended up trying some drugs - my parents, well, my dad, doesn't believe in mental health and therapy and all that so I never got the proper help I needed, and everything just kinda stuck with me. The drugs stopped those things. I stopped thinking about them, but then as soon as I was sober, it would get bad again."

Lexi nodded her head, not pushing to find out what it was that Robin saw that scarred her, knowing better than to bring it up.

"Fast forward a couple years, I meet Rue, who introduces me to Fez, Fez is like a big brother, always helped me out with the shit I needed, would spot me when necessary, all that. My parents ended up finding me on Molly one time, and drug tested me. They were so fuckin' angry, I tried to stop taking drugs to appease them. They were on my back about everything, and I hated it. Nate ended up buying me the shit I needed because my parents would check what I spend my money on and shit. Fez noticed what was going on, and stopped selling to me as often. Then Rue went to rehab, and he stopped pretty much all together."

"I can't see Nate ever doing anything nice," Lexi joked, and Robin shook her head with a smile.

"It wasn't him being nice, it's so he could have one over me," Robin explained, "Nate and I actually used to be nice siblings, he'd help me with subjects like math, I'd help him with English, he had each other's backs."

Saviour Complex // Maddy PerezWhere stories live. Discover now