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After everything that had gone down at the Howard household, Robin had recieved one too many texts from Mouse, and had decided to try and get help for her little problem

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After everything that had gone down at the Howard household, Robin had recieved one too many texts from Mouse, and had decided to try and get help for her little problem.

She'd left Lexi's house with a simple goodbye, her mind clouded as she left, walking past Maddy, Cassie and BB without a single word being uttered. Her walk wasn't long, she hadn't walked outside alone since Halloween, so walked fast just incase anything happened.

Arriving where she needed to be, the door was opened for her by Ashtray, who didn't even spare her a glance as she walked inside, looking for Fez. He was sat at the table, counting his money. It felt way too similar to when her and Rue had been here the first time, and she'd been introduced to Mouse.

She let out a small sigh, going to sit on the chair opposite Fez quietly to get his attention. He glanced at her, before looking back down at the money, placing it in an envelope.

"What you doin' here?" He asked her, his tone far from friendly - Fez didn't had a mean bone in his body, but hearing anything but his usual tone hurt Robin a lot.

"I... I just want you to hear me out," Robin says quietly, messing with her hands on her lap, nervous. Fez didn't give a verbal response, lighting up a joint that sat closely and putting it to his lips.

"I'm sorry for how I acted on Halloween," Robin says first, "I was very drunk, and should not have been that rude to you, so I'm sorry, and I know that doesn't mean much to you, but I do mean it," She explained to him.

"Okay," He nods his head, blowing out smoke as Ashtray entered the room, sitting on the couch behind them, also listening in. Robin noticed this, but decided if Fez needed to hear what she had to say, Ash did too.

"When I came over, and you proposed a movie and shit, I was not in a good state of mind," She explains to him quietly, "The last couple weeks have been really fuckin' rough, Fez, and I'm talking worse than ever. I needed something, anything to get through it, I was desperate."

"That's not an excuse to take his number out of my phone," Fez shakes his head, "You disrespected me, and Ash, and our friendship."

"You really don't get it Fez," Robin shook her head.

"Try me," He argued.

"Let's see... I got with someone I shouldn't, watched that person get choked out by my own brother, got compared to said brother, keep in mind this brother also choked me out not long before. I came home, got fucking beat up by my own fucking father because he thought I had something I didn't... I could go on, dude, it was a lot," Robin says, noticing Fez move uncomfortably at the new information.

"You could've talked to me, Robin, that's some real shit," Fez sympathised.

"It's too late now," Robin shrugged, "I'm fine."

"So you went to Mouse. That doesn't explain the fucking," Ashtray then spoke up, making Robin's eyes widen, and snap over to him for a second - a glare was still on his face. He was always more stubborn than Fez.

"Um..." Robin looked down for a moment, looking over at Fez, "He's partly the reason I came over. I need help, like serious help."

Fez and Ash shared a look.

"What happened between me and Mouse was not consensual, okay? I don't want to talk about it, but just know I did not want it-"

"He fuckin' raped you?" Fez's eyes were now as wide as the fucking moon, "Robin, what the fuck? You should've said that when I got angry in the first place!"

"I wasn't ready to fuckin' admit that! That shit's embarrassing!" Robin argued, shaking her head and holding back tears, "He won't stop texting me, saying the worst shit imaginable. After I left the party he found me, he fucking knocked me out and put me in his car, I only managed to get away when they stopped for gas, Fez, he's fucking terrifying."

Robin was now crying as she spoke, "I don't know what to do."

Her hands covered her face as her elbows leaned on her knees, body's hunched over as she cried.

"Robin..." Fez sighed, moving and hugging the girl to his body. She cried into his shoulder as he held her, unaware of how bad the situation was, "Yo, I'm so fuckin' sorry, bro."

Robin just shook her head, crying harder. Fez looked over at Ash, who was looking at the girl, hurt covering his features as he sympathised for her. Mouse was not someone to mess with, and to see the girl he'd known for years stuck in the eye of the hurricane that is Mouse? It was hard.

"We'll deal with it," Ash spoke up.

Robin turned to look at the boy, a soft look on her features.

"Anything for family." Fez nodded, kissing Robin's temple.


Short but sweet :)

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