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Soon after Robin and Maddy had had their fun, Robin had received a text from Nate telling her to come back to the stand, as the winners of the cook off were about to be announced

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Soon after Robin and Maddy had had their fun, Robin had received a text from Nate telling her to come back to the stand, as the winners of the cook off were about to be announced.

Robin didn't really wanna leave Maddy, enjoying her company much more than she enjoyed her families, but she knew the repercussions of not turning up to get their family photo taken, and after the last week she didn't need her family being mad at her.

She left Maddy, telling her she'd see her after, Maddy had rolled her eyes, but let the girl go. She was still mad about what Nate had said earlier, and the Molly made that anger ten times worse. She wasn't gonna let Nate talk to her like that, she wasn't gonna let that family get away with being assholes to not only her, but Robin too.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Aaron asked Robin as soon as she made it to the stall, there was a crowd forming, knowing the winners were to be announced within the next five minutes. Robin hated the attention, so liked to hide near the back by Aaron.

"With my friend," Robin says simply, taking the beer out of his hands to have a swig, feeling extremely dehydrated, he snatched it back off her, staring into her eyes as he spoke lowly.

"Your friend Molly won't be very happy if she finds out you're drinking alcohol," He says to her, "I told you, not a good mix. Here."

He handed her a bottle of water, that she took with a smile before gulping it down.

"Nate know about those?" He then asked, pointing to Robin's neck. It caused the girl to roll her eyes.

"What do you think?" She replies, making him shake his head with a small smile.

"Come on," He mumbled, putting a hand on her back and leading her over to Nate and Marsha. Cal was in front of the stand, talking to a reporter as they waited to be announced the winners.

"You seen Maddy?" Nate asks Robin, who was chewing on her cheek slightly as she wrapped her arms around herself, starting to feel a little cold.

"No," She lied, staring straight ahead. Nate knew she was lying. but didn't push it, "You're an asshole to her, you know that?" She then asked, her tone bitter, "you don't deserve her."

Nate clenched his jaw at that, "Stay out of our fucking business."

Robin just scoffed, as the announcer started to talk.

"And this years winner of the chilli cook-off is... Cal Jacobs!"

Cal was holding the trophy in the air, a huge smile on his features as people clapped and cheered for him. The sight made Robin sick to her stomach, knowing the man the people were cheering for - he didn't deserve their love, he didn't deserve to win anything, he didn't deserve to have the career he had. He was a horrible person.

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