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Robin's leg was bouncing with nerves as she sat on the edge of the bathtub, waiting for the pregnancy test results

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Robin's leg was bouncing with nerves as she sat on the edge of the bathtub, waiting for the pregnancy test results. The STD kit would have to be sent off to be checked, but the pregnancy test was something she had to know there and then. Was her life fucked forever, or did she get off with a free pass?

She knew what she wanted the results to be, obviously. But her heart was hammering at the idea of actually being pregnant. Would she have to get an abortion? Could she even put herself through that? This wasn't a case of 'we'll cross that bridge when we come to it,' the bridge was right in front of her, and she was absolutely terrified.

The alarm she had set on her phone went off, and she turned it off quickly, the shrill sound of it sending a new wave of anxiety through her. All she had to do was look at the test and know if this was the end for her.

She stood up with shaky legs, looking over at the test sitting on the side of the sink. She couldn't see the results from where she stood.

She walked over slowly, letting her shaky hands pick up the test.

Two lines.

"Fuck," She whispered, a tear falling out of her eye as she stared at the two lines, wondering if she'd imagined one by mistake. No matter how much she blinked the tears away, the second line wasn't disappearing.

She left the bathroom quickly, grabbing the positive pregnancy test and throwing it in her bag, running out of her house as quickly as she possibly could. There was no way she was reacting to this news sober.

She ran down the road, the rain hitting her quickly as she ran, mixing with the tears that tfell. She felt like all she ever did was receive bad news and cry, it was a never-ending cycle, she was sick of never having a good day, always receiving bad shit after bad shit. It was too much to deal with.

This felt like a complete breaking point. Her life was over.

She took shelter under a tree at the park, nobody around and went through her bag quickly. As bad as she felt about it, she had stolen a couple of things from Fez's house - considering he just got raided, she probably did him a favour - he wouldn't have to get rid of a couple of bags. She saved him time.

She grabbed the small bag and put the powder inside under her little fingernail, snorting it into her nose quickly, she repeated this for her other nostril, before doing it four more times, wanting to be as high as possible to avoid feeling anything other than numb.


She arrived home at an early hour of the morning - her dad's car wasn't outside, probably at another motel, and all the lights were off. All the lights but the one in Nate's room. He'd heard her leave. He looked over the bannister to see her taking her shoes off, stumbling as she did so. She had tear marks on her cheeks, her hair was damp from the rain, and her clothes were soaked. She looked like an absolute mess, and he knew in his mind it was not just because of him calling the cops on Fez.

He walked down the stairs towards her as she coughed, struggling to undo her shoelace. he didn't speak up, just watching her silently, looking out for any signs of what drug she was on. With her, it was often hard to guess, and it made him annoyed to see her throw her life away the way she did. In his mind, it didn't make sense.

When she did finally turn towards him, her eyes were distant. The sight of him made her angry, and after everything that had happened so far in the day, from Rue, to Fez, to Nate and Maddy, to the test in the bottom of her bag, she did not want to be dealing with him again.

She rolled her eyes, trying to walk past him to head up the stairs, but Nate moved in her way. She looked up at him, her face showing annoyance as he looked down at her with a blank look, seemingly used to her bullshit.

She moved to the right, trying again to get past him. He moved in her way again. This time, he earned an annoyed huff from her as she sent him another glare. His face stayed in the same look as before.

She moved to the right, trying again to get past, Nate once again got in the way.

"Nate, move." She snapped at him, moving again to get past, and this time when he moved in the way, she pushed as hard as she could against his chest. The act of violence made him stumble a little, but nothing to really show she'd been successful. All she'd managed to do was make him angry once again, something she seemed to do really well.

Upon his lack of reaction, she pushed him again, but this time he retaliated, using double the strength she had to make her fall to the ground. She felt the pain hit her back instantly as her arms failed to catch her.

"What the fuck?" She snapped at him, completely and utterly done with his stupid games.

He stayed silent, angering her more.

She jumped up, running at him and hitting him as hard as she could. He grabbed her arms, shoving her back again, but it didn't stop her angry attack. She punched him around the face as hard as she could, making him look to the side in shock. She took that second of shock to knee him where the sun doesn't shine.

And that really fucking angered him.

He pushed her shoulders again, managing to get her on the floor, and quickly lifted his leg, kicking her as hard as he possibly could in the stomach, the pain made her gasp, trying not to cry again as she tried to move away.

"Don't you ever," He kicked her in the stomach again, making her arms come out to try and cover the blow, "And I mean ever," He kicked again, making her cry out in pain, "Hit me again. Do you fucking hear me?"

Robin stayed silent, making him kick her again.

"You hear me?" He yelled again.

"I hear you, I hear you!" She yelled quickly, which made him nod, taking a step away.

"Good," He nodded his head. "Funniest thing is I came down to ask if you were okay, and you made me do this to you. What a fucking psycho you are." He turned away then, heading back up the stairs as Robin held her stomach.




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