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When Robin got home later that day after hanging out with Lexi once again, Nate and Maddy were there, sitting by the television, cuddly and happy

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When Robin got home later that day after hanging out with Lexi once again, Nate and Maddy were there, sitting by the television, cuddly and happy. The sight made her want to Vomit as she took her shoes off, completely disgusted by the both of them and what they were doing. Nate had seen her enter, and after visiting Fez's just half an hour before, he was very angry with her.

He gave Maddy a quick kiss, before following Robin up to her room, closing the door behind him once he had entered. Robin had heard him follow her up but was not at all bothered to hear what he had to say. She had not had a good day, and him making it any worse was not in her best interest.

"I stopped by Fezco's place earlier," Nate said to her as she walked over to her window, closing the blinds.

"Nate, whatever it is, it can wait," Robin told him, "Go hang out with Maddy or whatever, I don't wanna hear it tonight."

"This is the thing, Robin," He shakes his head as he speaks, "It can't. Because it concerns the likes of you, and me."

Robin just sighed, turning to look at him. He was still by the door, and he did not look like a happy bunny.

"What happened?" She asked, not exactly interested. Her best guess is that he had listened to what Rue had said earlier, and if that was the truth, this was not gonna be good.

"Fezco, as you know, is a man of little words," Nate began, walking to sit on Robin's bed, her eyes followed him as he did so, she didn't like how confident he was in her space, "But one thing he did say to me, was a threat."

"How does this concern me?" Robin asked tiredly.

"Because the threat was to leave you and your friends alone, or he'd kill me," He continued, "As far as I'm aware, I've done nothing to hurt you, Robin. I protect you from the guys at school, I make sure Dad leaves you alone, I'm not the one these threats should be against. Especially considering the number of times I've picked you up from his and you've been too drugged up to even walk. So why is he all up in my business? What did you tell him?"

"I didn't tell him anything," She responds, her voice void of any emotion. She was sick of him, and to hear himself make excuses on why he was 'good to her,' was not helping.

"His words were 'leave Robin and her friends alone,'" Nate argued, "So you must've said something. Why would he throw your name into the pot?"

"Because he's my friend," Robin says, "He looks out for me."

"Wrong. I'm your brother, I look out for you, Fezco looks out for him and his business," Nate agues back again, making Robin roll her eyes.

"Whatever I tell you, you won't believe me, Nate. Please, just leave me alone. It's been a long day, and I don't feel well." Robin says to him, removing her jumper so she was in a short shirt, feeling very hot all of a sudden.

"I'll leave when you tell me what you said," Nate says.

"Nate, I'm serious. Believe me, I've talked to him about some shit, but your name does not leave my lips. I don't talk about you to anyone, you're not that fucking important." Robin then says, her temper growing, "So fuck off."

"Robin, I won't ask you again." Nate ignores her words.

"How many times, I didn't tell him anything," Robin says.

"Then you don't mind if I call the police and tell them I was threatened?" Nate asks.

"Nate, you don't have to do that," Robin shook her head.

"You don't mind if they check his house for any weapons?" He then asks, getting his phone out of his pocket.

"Nate. Stop." Robin takes slow steps towards him.

"Tell me what you told him, and no calls will be made," Nate lies.

"I didn't tell him anything," She tells him, stressing every word.

"Fine," Nate dials 911, putting the phone to his ear as Robin tried to grab it. He just pushed her away, effectively tossing her to the ground as an officer picks up.

"I'd like to report a crime."

Nate then stepped out of the room, Robin's eyes following him from where she lay on the floor. She jumped up, grabbing the jumper she discarded on the floor and grabbing her phone with shaking hands.

She clicked on Fez's contact quickly, tears springing to her eyes as the severity of the situation kicking in.

"Robin, I'm hella busy," Fez started, but Robin cut her off.

"Fez, what the fuck did you say to him!" She snapped quickly, "He's on the fucking phone with the police. Get everything you can out of your house now before it's too fucking late."

Fez didn't respond, not needing to as he hung up the phone, calling for Ash. Robin had thrown her own phone to the floor, head falling into her hands as her head ached, nothing ever seemed to get better.

There was a knock at her door a couple minutes later, and she didn't move her head from her hands to see who it was. She only felt someone walk over to her.

"Nate, please just levae me the fuck alone," She croacked, really not up for a round two of arguing.

"It's me," Maddy then spoke up, making Robins head snap up towards her, "I'm not trying to start anything," Maddy quickly said, small paper bag in her hand, "I just... I got these for you."

She passed Robin the bag, Robin holding it but not looking at it, refusing to break eye contact.

"Lexi said you'd been acting a little weird, and after what happened the other day at mine, I just want you to be safe," Maddy said with a sad smile.

Robin nodded her head, not bothering to speak, she didn't know what to say.

Maddy could see this, so instead turned and walked out the door closing it behind her. Robin watched her go, a small pit forming in her stomach. Now was not the time to be worrying about Maddy Perez, but her heart still hurt at the sight of her. She didn't love Maddy, but she knew she could one day if Maddy came to her senses. It hurt her to know that whatever Maddy did, Robin would always end up forgiving her.

She looked down at the white paper bag, it wasn't a peace offering, but it was a kind gesture.

She opened the bag slowly, looking inside to see what was there.

An STD testing kit, and a pregnancy test.

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