"Maybe I do want you up my ass Josh! I'm hours away on vacation with my baby daddy and our son, but you don't seem to care. That makes me a little skeptical."

Josh chuckled, "Because I trust you. Why should I be worried Beyoncé? There's something you need to tell me?"

I shook my head instead of verbally responding. The conversation no longer interested me because most of my emotions steamed from guilt. If Josh and Sabrina was to take a vacation together, I would be heated and would probably tag along just for the heck of it. I didn't get that from Josh. Maybe he truly trusted me, or —

"Are you still fuckin' her? Be honest."

Josh frowned, "You seriously asking me this right now? Really Beyoncé? Get off my phone with that shit."

"I — It's just a simple question!"

"A simple question coming from someone that doesn't want a simple answer. You know I'm not fucking anyone else. You honestly just blew me for the day with that bullshit."

"You can say you trust me all day, but why would you let your fiancé travel alone to be with her baby father for a week knowing the baby father could still possibly have feelings for her?"

Josh sighed before finally getting out of bed. His mood had changed drastically and I know it's my fault, but I needed an honest answer. He knows I'm not the type to stop until I do.

"What man would be okay with that?" He questioned, "No one! Of course it bothers me that you're there with him, but I trust you Beyoncé. I don't give a fuck about Jay, but I care about you and I think it'll be good for you to face the man that has hurt you. You don't realize all the trauma built up in your life. I love you, but I want to love all of you. How am I able to do that if I'm competing against all of this built up trauma that you haven't even faced yet? How could I ever win with you? Any other man wouldn't put up a fight, but I will because I fuckin' love you and I mean it.

"Of course people will question it. My mom have, my sisters have, my guys have... But fuck their opinion. I trust my gut and I trust you. If things take a turn, I'll take my L and realize we just weren't meant to be after all."

I bit down on my cheek and wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall. There's no way I could ever treat a man like him wrong. He's made it obvious that he loves me for me and wants to see me heal into a better woman. Those type of men are rare to come by.

"I'm sorry..." I apologized while wiping my face.

"Beyoncé, I love you. I know you wouldn't agree if the roles were reversed, but it's cool because I don't want to be alone with Sabrina annoying ass anyway."

We shared a laugh for the first time since I left home. It definitely made me feel a lot better about this entire situation.

"I love you too baby. I can't wait to get home to you."

"Five more days..."

I chuckled, "You've been counting, I see."

"Yeah, because I miss you just as much. Any plans for today?"

"Nothing yet, but I'll let you know whatever I do."

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