Exoskeleton vs Grandma

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Nick shot into the air before unfolding his wings, unfolding my wings I flew after him. We head to the closes city, landing on top of a building I let my senses flow.
"We could just take someone." Nick said, getting impatient.
"We do this my way. Capire."
A shrall scream echoed from a distance, jumping off the roof I headed in that direction. I landed on the roof looking down at the scene before me. A man was pointing a gun at a woman. There was an unconscious man on the ground well a boy kneeling down beside him.
"Give me your money!" The man with the gun growled. I tucked in my wings before jumping from the roof, landing silently behind the thug.
"Please don't hurt us." The woman begged.
"Hand it over!"
I should kill them all. Yeah better then going to jail. I heard his thoughts.
He was about to pull the triger when I grabbed his hand that was holding the gun, knocking it out of his hand. I wrapped my arm around his neck holding his head in place as I sunk my fangs into his neck. Drinking my fill I knocked him unconscious. To the woman it merely looked like I knocked him unconscious, she didn't see me feed from him.
I jumped up, landing beside Nick, smirking at him I set off further into the city, listening for more people that needed help.
After a few more stops, saving someone and feeding from the criminals I said goodbye to Nick and headed back to the Davenport's. When I walked through the door I stopped dead in my tracks. What the... I had only been gone for a few hours but in that short time all hell had broken lose. The Exoakeleton was shooting lasers, one of them hit the wall beside my head.
"Merda!" I cursed, diving behind the couch beside Grandma Dooley.
"Leo, what did you do?" I growled, glaring at him but it was kinda hard because he was hiding behind the fake plants, with Chase.
"I didn't do anything! Wait! I have an idea!" He shouted, running out of the room, dodging a laser as he went. Grandma Dooley was talking but I was busy trying to find Leah. I couldn't see her anywhere. Leo came running back in, holding something.
"The Electrofield de-stabilizer! Great idea, Leo." Chase said.
"Thanks." Leo said, about to attack the Exoskeleton but stopped and went over to Chase. Grumbling I grabbed my sword which I had hiden under the couch. Twirling my sword I made my way over to the Exoskeleton.
"Ehi! Stronzo!" I called.
The Exoskeleton turned around, shooting a laser at me, raising my sword I deflected it, rolling out of the way.
"Hey! Exo!" I heard Chase call. The Exoskeleton turned towards him. Chase fliped over the couch making his way to me.
"Time to feel the pain!" Leo shouted running at the Exoskeleton but it turned and knocked the Electrofield de-stabilizer out of his hand, grabbing Leo by his arms, lifting him up.
"Chase did we have a plan B?" Leo yelled looking at Chase.
I spun around the Exoskeleton, swinging my sword, aiming for it's head. Leo screamed as my sword cut through the Exoskeleton's neck, removing his head but it didn't seem to affect it, it just turned, picking me up and throwing me against the wall, crumpling to the ground I looked up as Grandma Dooley kicked the Exoskeleton in the chest, causing it to drop Leo. I blinked, when I opened my eyes Chase had Leo surround in a force feild, holding the Electrofield de-stabilizer. He zapped the Exoskeleton, causing it to fly back. it didn't get back up. Really I removed it's head and it still keep on coming but zap it and it stays down. Clutching my head I stood up groaning.
"Are you alright?" Chase asked.
"Si, just a headache." I said.
I turned to everyone else, Grandma Dooley was glaring at us.
"Um... Rose there is a completely rational explanation for all of this. You...are delusional. Who wants dessert?" Mr. Davenport said. Everyone raised their hands. Tasha glared at her husband before turning to her mother.
"You know what mom? This is our life. Our house may be high-tech and chaotic but it is full of love. And it may not be perfect for you but it is perfect for our family." Tasha said confidently, wrapping her arms around us.
Just then Leah came in, her arms full of shopping bags.
"Hey, what did I miss?" She asked, looking around, the place was a mess.
"A lot." I grinned sheathing my sword.
"What family? Wait a minute, who are these people?" Grandma Dooley asked.
"They are my brother's kids. That I adopted when he died. Fell...in a volcano." Mr. Davenport said, pointing at Adam, Bree and Chase.
"What about them?" She asked pointing at Leah and I.
"Well I'm Adam's girlfriend." Leah said, walking over to Adam and wrapping her arms around his waist.
"And I am her sister. Not Leo's girlfriend." I said, glaring at Leo. He gulped.
Grandma Dooley stared at us for a few seconds before saying. "Well way didn't you just say so. Now it all make sence. You're just a madern family with a bunch of adorable kids." She said, happily. We all sighned in relief. "Who is gonna need their grandma around all the time." She added.
"Cazzo." I mumbled, causing Leah to smack me upside the head.
"Language." She said.
"I can stay in the spare room you got down the hall, come on baby." Grandma Dooley said to Tasha. Tasha mouthed 'help me' before heading after her mother.
After we had cleaned up the mess that the exoskeleton had made we decided to order pizza. Well we were waiting we started watching a movie. We were all there except Leo. I had no idea where he was. It had been about 20 minutes and everyone was hungry. They're thoughts were getting annoying.
"Oh, man I'm starving." Grandma Dooley complained. Just then the doorbell rang.
"Ooh, that must be the pizza." Mr. Davenport said.
"I'll get it." Leo called. We all turned to look at Leo, who was in the Exoskeleton. Mr. Davenport and Chase had repaired it well the rest of us had cleaned up the mess that it had made. It had been mostly Chase's doing as I had learned later, causing it to glitch and go after us.
"Leo, what are you doing in that thing?" Tasha asked.
Leo walked over to the door, opening it. The pizza guy looked up at Leo, his mouth hanging open before he dropped the pizza and ran like a bat out of hell. Leo picked up the pizza and made his way over to us.
"Getting free pizza." He answered his mother happily, placing the box on the coffee table. Everyone cheer and dug in but I didn't. I didn't feel like eating human food.
"I am going to go. I have some bussiness that I need to attend to." I said to Chase as I pick up my jacket and my sword which was rolled up in my jacket.
"It was a pleasure meeting you Mrs. Dooley." I said before heading outside.
I smiled before turning around.
"Yes, Chase."
"I was...um...wondering if....ah."
"Yes, Chase. I would love to go out with you."
"How did you know I was going to ask you out?"
"Telepath, remember."
"Oh, right." He said, blushing. "How's Friday?"
"Great." He grinned. I couldn't help but smile at him.
"I will see you tomorrow then." I said, kissing his cheek before shooting into the sky.

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