Chapter Fourteen

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This chapter kind of sucked but whatever I wrote it last night really late but i hope you like it!


~*Codys POV*~

I headed out of subway and headed to the gym, It was weird not seeing Haley but I just decided to take it as a time to workout and hang with some new bros. I checked my phone and saw 5 missed calls from Izzie. I called her back twice but she wasn't answering. I started to panic because Haley wasn't answering her phone either. I skipped the gym and went back home hoping to hear from them. I keep calling them and there's no answer. I get some water, trying to calm down, but how can I? What if Haley is hurt? What if she needs me? I should have gone with her. I'm such an idiot. 

I hear my phone buzz and see its Izzie. I quickly press answer and I hear Izzie out of breathe and fear in her voice. "Whats wrong?" I say and she can't say anything because she holding back tears. "What happened?" I say harsher. 

"Haley." She says, in between crying breaths," She's hurt." 

"What happened? Where are you?" I say loudly. This is it. I lost her. 

"We're at the hospital on the mountain but they are gunna air lift her." she took a few deep breaths." She isn't waking up." 

I feel my heart drop into my stomache and I was speechless. I had never been in love before with a girl before we have had sex. I guess it wasn't real love because when I heard that Haley wasn't waking up, I felt like apart of me was dead. I knew right now she needed me but apart of me needed her. "Where is the hospital she is getting transported?" 

"Ontario but her mom is trying to get them to take her to Long Beach." 

"Fuck. What happened?" I heard a bunch of people in the background crying. 

"She went down a bigger slope then usual and this girl cut her off and Drake ran into her when they all got jammed. He just has cuts and bruises and the girl is ok."  Why the fuck was Drake there. My hand formed into a fist. Did Haley lie to me?

"Drake? Why the fuck was he there?" She gasped.

"Uh he just showed up." I felt relieved. I need to go see her.

"Where are they transporting her?" 

"Long Beach." I hung up the phone and got into my car. I only knew his town for like 2 months now but I know Long Beach is far in traffic and I don't know cross streets. I looked up directions on the map and started to floor it.  

I played Coldplay, trying to relax and tell myself she will wake up. I got on the freeway and it started to pour. Great add on. An hour and a half of driving I finally found the hospital. I walk in, drenched, and got some weird stares when I yelled at the lady," Wheres Haley," 

She slowly looked up and said," Haley Olsen?" 

"Yes." I said, feeling like I was about break down. She handed me a sticker and told me she couldn't have any visitors other than family and the girl she came with. I'm guessing Izzie. "Please. I need to see her." 

"I'm sorry that will not be possible, she gets no visitors except for family." I ran my hand through my hair and down my neck. I lean back and turn around facing the waiting room. I sat down and set my elbows on my knees and put my head in between them. Haley's mom rushed in looking like she had been crying and saw me. She came up to me and hugged me. She started to cry and I squeezed harder. 

She walked up to the desk and told the lady that she was her mother. "Come on in Mrs.Olsen, she is the last door to the right."  

"Will you get my son a visitor pass also?" She said, putting her hand on my back and glaring at the front office lady.  The lady rolled her eyes and gave me a sticker. 

I practically ran down the hallway and put my hand over my hand when I saw my little Haley. She had bandages on her head  and her face was pale with her eyes shut. Her side was was wrapped and her lip was bleeding. She had some blood on her legs but not too much. I walked over and kissed her on the side of her head that was not bandaged up. Izzie had blood on her shirt and looked up at me. She started to cry and hugged me. 

The doctor came in, which seemed like hours later, and sat down next to Haley. "She got a small concussion from the impacted and cracked a rib. Not as bad as we had thought but all her blood is normal. We don't really have a reason on why she is not waking up, the concussion she is suffering from should not make her knocked out. When we figure out why she is not awake, we will let you know immediately." He left and we all looked at each other kinda in shock. 

It had been at least 5 hours later when Izzie went home because they told us that Haley was stable. We hugged and she whispered." Thank you." I kissed her on the cheek and told her to get some sleep. As for me, I just sat next to her for the rest of the night. I hoped she would wake up so I could see those huge blue eyes of hers. Her mom fell asleep on the chair next to her bed and I sat on the other side wide awake. 

Drake came in the next morning see how she was with just about 15 balloons and huge teddy bear. I glared at him and told him to go. He sat down the stuff on the table across from her bed. Her mom looked at me with a confused look as he left. I told her not to worry about it and she just went back to closing her eyes but not falling fully asleep. 

That afternoon, I went down to the food court and got some jello and chips. I came back up to see the doctor and Haley's mom talking. She was crying and he had his hand on her knee. I barged in and said," What happened? Whats wrong?" 

They look up and the doctor stands up, he was about the same height as me, "We don't know how long Haley could be in this coma. It just isn't adding up. It could be a week or in a month or six months. We just don't know." I felt my legs get weak and I fell on to my knees and cried. I hadn't cried since the incident and i hated it. The doctor knelled down and rubbed my back. I lashed out and got up and just held Haley's hand. 

That morning I woke up to Haleys mom shaking me. "She's awake! Cody!" I rubbed my eyes until it clicked and I looked up to see my pale Haley sitting up on the bed with a huge grin on her face. 

"Cody." She said very quietly. I came up and hugged her. I leaned in and kissed her really gently. She had started to cry and I slowly wiped her tears and pulled her into a hug again. 

"How are you?" I said, brushing her blonde locks behind her ear. 

"I'm a little sore and my head hurts but your here and I was afraid you weren't going to be." She said putting her hand on my cheek.

I put my hand over her hand on my cheek and told her that I wasn't going anywhere. The doctor came in after he heard the news and diagnosed it that he thinks that when she hit the girl her chin hit the bottom of the other girls snowboard and their is a nerve in the chin that can knock you out and put you in a coma for a few days for just hitting it exactly. 

Haley was released on Christmas Eve and was on bed rest for the next week. Her rib just needed a little more time to heal and then she was good to go. When she got home, I helped her mom get her in her bed and all comfy. "Can you give us a minute mom?" Haley asked, her mom nodded and shut the door behind her. 

"I thought I was gunna lose you." I said, grabbing her hand and looking down. 

"Well, you didn't and thats all that matters. The doctor said I will be back up and normal in just a week or two." She put her hand pulling my chin up and seeing her small grin. 

"When I heard you were not waking up well I felt like I lost a part of my heart.." 

"I hope you know that right before I blacked out all I cared about was seeing you." 

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