Chapter Six

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Cody handed me a towel, after that intense make out session, and I started to dry off. I looked up and saw Cody's toned stomach and broad shoulders. Without even thinking, I walked over and rubbed my hand down his chest.

"Your hands are cold." He said, tensing up, making his abs hard.

"Sorry." I blushed. "Can you take me home?" It was almost 11:30 now and my mom probably thinks I got killed.

"Sure thing, beautiful." He said, grabbing his car keys and reaching out to hold my hand. I smiled and reached out my hand.

Was I out of my mind? Just hours ago I was thinking how I hated this kid, now I was holding hands with him after slapping tongue. The worst thing about it was that I enjoyed it.

After I woke up, Monica and Izzie wanted to get lunch, so I met up with them at Islands.

"So he really got you chipotle?" Izzie said eagerly.

"Is that all you heard the whole story?" I said laughing, " yeah he did, I got a burrito"

"Well I can tell you right now, Nick would never push me into a pool just to get some." Monica said

"He didn't push me, I fell in, but he did get some."

"Right on Olsen!" Izzie said high-5ing my hand.

Monica rolled her eyes and laughed, "Did you guys hear about drakes black eye?"

My mouth opened wide, do I tell them, of course I do; they are my best friends. "Well, um, that was Cody.."

Izzie and Monica's mouths drop and both look at eachother.

"He is dangerous, Izzie I do not approve." Monica said, biting into her veggie burger, she was vegetarian cause she went San Francisco and went all "Women's Rights, Animals are People too" on us.

"I bet Drake was like touching your ass and Cody got all jelly.." Izzie said laughing.

"Drake, I guess, was like hugging me and Cody didn't like it, It's kinda shady.." I said, rethinking the situation.

"Yikes... That's shady as fuck"

"Here's the thing, do you really want a untrustworthy, dangerous boyfriend?" Monica said

Did I want Cody? He was shady about Drake and gave him a narly shinier but I mean, when he kissed me, it was so gentle and light. I guess, I have just never seen the bad side of Cody, and I hope I never will.

As my alarm went off, I woke up and got ready. It took me way longer then usual, maybe because now I was actually trying to impress someone.

Izzie picked me up in her beat up Volkswagen bus, with so many stickers on the back I couldn't even understand how she could view out the back. We drove to school, listening to Mac Miller and Odd Future, Izzie's music. It just gave me a headache, I much rather listen to Zac Brown.

Today was different at school, you know that feeling when someone behind you is whispering and you know it's about you, even though you couldn't even hear them? I had that like every class and at lunch.

I didn't see Cody most of the day. He snuck up behind me and grabbed my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. Were we a thing now? Well he hasn't asked so better not assume.

"Let me take you out, on a real date, Friday night, sound good?" I could feel his breathe on my neck.

I turned around and kissed him, hoping he got the memo.

"Is that a yes?" He shouted, as I walked away.

I opened the front door of the school and turned around," pick me up at 8." Sending him a quick wink.

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