Chapter Nine

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On Sunday, Cody took me to see "Mama" the new scary movie, probably hoping to get some but I was basically laughing the whole time. It was so stupid, and even he thought so. We left early and went out into the parking lot, where we had an intense make-out sesh before hoping into the car. On the way home, I noticed scars all up Cody's arms, mostly his right. I grabbed his arm and rubbed his arm, going over the scars. He noticed what I was doing, and pulled back harshly. "What the fuck are you doing?" 

I was shocked, I hadn't even ever heard Cody cuss. I looked down, slightly frightened. He had realized what he said but It didn't bother him, he just turned up the radio. His jaw clenched tightly, his regularly sparkly green eyes turned stone cold, and his scarred up hands were gripping the steering wheel hard. He skidded up to his house and got out. I was so confused, did he expect me to walk home? He got out slamming the door, and I got out really scared at this point. I walked around, turning to his driver door and he grabbed me, kissing me. "What are you doing?" I said pushing him off.

"I want to kiss you." His voice lowered. 

"Please take me home." I said not looking him in the eyes. 

He opened his door and slammed it behind him. I climbed in and he drove to my house, faster than usual. I got out and before my feet even touched the ground, he drove away. I started to feel tears fill my eyes, How did he go from being so sweet to angry?

Cody wasn't at school Monday.... Tuesday..... and finally came back Wednesday. Where did he have to go? He just moved here. Our eyes met eachother in the hallway, and he started to shove people out of the way. I fast walked the other way, hoping that he would just leave me alone. He blew up on me, scared me, and i wasn't ready to confront him. He hollered my name and I just kept on walking. 

"Baby please." He said, out of breathe, grabbing my arm. 

I tugged my arm back, glaring at him. He let go and walked away. Just like that. He gave up. Didn't even try to talk to me. I needed him to try. I craved for him to want me. 

~*Cody's POV*~

As she walked away from me, I felt my heart sink to my stomach. I needed her but she didn't need me. She finally saw the real me. The damaged, fucked up Cody. I finally got an awesome girl and of course I had to scare her away. I pulled up my sleeve on my jacket and looked at them. They were just to painful to look at but not as painful as not having her here with me. Anger raged through me, how the fuck did i lose her? I walked up to my locker, punching it with all my strength, feeling the zing afterwards. I walked out of the school not knowing what to do, so I hoped into my truck and went home. 

"Hi, Aunty Jace" I said, walking up the staircase. No reply, as always, She worked night hours at the hospital. So she was usually sleeping all day until like 7 and then went to work and came back at like 10 a.m.

I walked into my room, remembering the night, I had Haley on my bed practically begging for me. Now she didn't even want to look at me. Should I tell her? No, fuck no, She will think you are a monster. I paced my room, looking for something to punch. I need her back. I need her. She will never take me back if I don't tell her. 


"I'm sorry for everything. Can we talk after 5th?" 

I stared at my phone, She was sorry? What for wanting to know what all these white lines on my tan skin were? Why was she sorry? I was the wrong one. I texted her back, saying I'd pick her up at 1:30. 

I grabbed my keys and headed out to my car. I hopped in, thoughts racing through my head, driving and seeing her on the edge of the school. Should I tell her? She looked so cute with her hair up in a bun and sweats. She climbed in and before she could say anything I leaned over and kissed her. I had to, I needed to. She looked up and her blue eyes sank into me. "I-I'm sorry." She stuttered. 

"Me too." I said, I couldn't tell her, I'd lose her forever. 

Silence met between us and I could tell she was nervous. "I didn't mean to scare you, I just had to think things through." 

"Are you ok now?" She said, looking down. 

No i wasn't okay. You were gunna run away like the rest of them and maybe i needed to let you run. I couldn't let you thought. I had to keep you. 

"Yeah." I said, with a small smiling, hoping she would buy it. 

"Okay good." She said, kissing my cheek, even the slightest of her kisses could make me crave her even more. 

She looked up at me, and I felt guilt eat me alive. She deserved to know. I had to tell her. Her deep blue eyes with those long black eye lashes and her dirty blond hair framing her face so perfectly, made me realize I couldn't lose this girl. I loved this girl. 

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