Chapter 28. Brotherly Love

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"Then I will just die too. You know I love you, don't you?" he asked.

Tanya looked at him. "I love you too. You have been like a brother to me. You have been there for me through so much, even after I shot and almost killed your only brother."

"Eric is not my only brother.  I have a brother on my mother's side but Eric and I have a special bond since we were kids.  We love each other." Lloyd clarified.

That was news to Tanya.  "I never met your Mom or your brother.  I would love to meet them."  

"Sure, look, I have to go. I don't know when I will be back. I wont come back until I find Jess. Eric will be here and he will take care of you and Ericka. But I want you to promise me that you will take care of him." He said as he gently touched her stomach.

"I feel like this one is mine." Lloyd smiled, his hand still on her belly.

"I promise,"

"Be nice to Eric, maybe let him sleep in here with you," he teased.

He got a smile out of Tanya. "Why are you mad at him now? I thought that the dating thing was going well." Lloyd said.

"We are just so different, him and me. He sees green when I see red.  You and me are more alike," she said.

Lloyd smiled. "I think that is why we  love him, because he is so different from us  or anyone we know.  I know that you love the bad boy in him," Lloyd teased. 

"Bad boy? I think you are just as bad as he is."

They looked at each other. "I should go; Phil is waiting for me."

"Please be careful, call as often as you can,"

"I will be fine and I will find Jess and bring her back to you. Kiss Ericka for me and tell her Unky Yoyd will be back and he wants her to be a good girl."

That made them both laugh. "I do believe she will be calling you that even way into adulthood and you will continue to answer to that name."

Tanya got up and walked him to the door. The two embraced and Lloyd kissed her on the forehead. "Take good care." He told her.

Eric and Phil stood at the foot of the stairs and waited for Lloyd to come down. Eric couldn't help but wonder what was keeping Lloyd. He could see tears in his brother's eyes.

"You ok?" Eric asked.

"Yea, let's go."

"No hug for your big brother?"

The two brothers hugged. Eric patted him on the back. "Stay safe and call often."

Lloyd nodded yes.  


It was already a couple of days since Lloyd left but they were no where closer to finding Jess. Jimmy had his team working with the police from the other island where Jess was seen heading. Eric never told him that he had his own search team looking for Jess. He knew Jimmy would blow a fuse if he knew that.

Jess's disappearance was taking a toll on them, mostly on Tanya. She was constantly in tears. Her eyes were all swollen from crying. After Eric read and tuck Ericka in for the night, he stopped by Tanya's suite.

"How are you?" he asked.

"Same as I was a hour ago when you asked."

"I am just concern Tanya," He said.

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