5) You're a grinch

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Aaliyah's POV

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Aaliyah's POV

Oh no. 

"Who are these people?" I asked Vidit and tried to gulp down my fear.

"My friends. Want me to introduce you to them?" Vidit said in irritation.

Was it sarcastic humor that just came out of his mouth?

Who would have thought.

There were four men dressed in black standing in front of the car. And did they look like they came out from a movie straight away?


Did they look like they won't hesitate to kill you without thinking once?

Also yes.

Haha nah. This is probably a prank right? I have seen YouTubers prank people on streets. This is probably one of them.

But who would pull a prank at 4:30 AM?

Some buffoon.

I should really stop watching these ridiculous pranks on YouTube.

Okay Aaliyah calm down.

"Keep your doors locked." he said and started to call someone.

That's when one of the men came and tapped on Vidit's window and yelled "Come out respectfully. You don't want to see us be merciless. And get your barbie out with you as well."

I gasped and said "Did he just call me a barbie?" 

I am not a barbie!

"Shut up what do you want him to call you? Baby?" He said angrily.

It's not fair.

I just pouted in response.

He sighed and said "Let's go out. Stay behind me." 

Is he underestimating me? 

Because I am woman?

"I can deal with them. Do you think I am weak?" I said and scoffed.

He rubbed his forehead and said "They are six feel tall and you....are four."

"No I am not! I'm 5'2!" 

He's such a height-shammer.

If that's even a word. 

"Stop talkin' and come out!" The same man yelled again.

We both went out and stood in front of the car and as a reflex I grabbed onto his arms.

And his arms tensed.

All of them were atleast seven feet away from us.

"It's almost everyday we get Romeo Juliets like you but this time the Romeo and Juliet seems rich as well." A man with a snapback said. He had a very creepy smile on his face while he was looking at me. Actually all four of them was looking at me like they are cats and I am a mouse.

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