4) You're so desperate

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Aaliyah's POV,

"I am not sharing a room with her!" Vidit growled

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"I am not sharing a room with her!" Vidit growled.

He's such an asshole, he's acting as if I am dying to share a room with him.

He's acting like a 7 year old who is crying because he wants to skip school.

God! Why did I decide to be in his friends list. Can I back out now?

No! I am not a quitter.

I rolled my eyes and said "Same I'll get grinchosis."

Guess what he did?

He glared at me.

Does he think I am 8? 

He'll glare at me like a mom and it'll scare me?

"Guys we don't have an option. We did book three rooms but they mistook our reservations." Yash said and Shriya nodded.

I looked at grinch and oh my my he was ready to blow up any moment.

He walked to reception and yelled "I want to book a room."

The receptionist stared at him in awe and zoned out while looking at him at the same time...

Huh. Such a creep.

He snapped his fingers and yelled louder and said "Are you deaf?"

She came out of her trance and said "I am sorry sir. We are full. This is the time of the year when tourists comes the most." 

"I'll pay you double even triple if you want."

"Sorry sir as I said we're full. If I could I would've done something."

He mumbled something under his breath and came to us again.

"I am going to go and stay in another hotel."

"No you're not Vidit!" Shirya yelled and he just rolled his eyes in return.

She continued "This is suppose to be a group thing. I swear to god if you go I'll never talk to you again and I am not kidding."

All this time me and Yash was silent for most part but Yash said "Please Vidit Riyu is right. There will be no fun if you go and stay somewhere else."

Vidit sighed and nodded his head.

Woahhh did he...did he just agree??

"Maybe me and Shriya can stay in one room?" I piped in.

Yash made a very comical face. Something between all-my-dream-are-broken and why-did-she-say-that?

I chuckled and said "Jeez Yash. I got it. Enjoy with your fiancee just don't do something I wouldn't do."

I winked and both of them blushed.

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