19) Marrying a wall

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A/N- TADAAAAA!!! ANOTHER UPDATEEEE. This time it didn't take me months to write hehe.... Anyways I hope you like it.

Aaliyah's POV,

"If I am not wrong you're Aaliyah right?" A feminine voice reached my ears.

I turned around and there she was in all her glory.

Dressed in a saree. It almost looked like a dress hugging her body at the right places.

Oh my god has the lack of male interaction made me check girls out?

I mean girls are hot after-all.

So no regrets.

But I have never seen her before.

"Umm yeah...that's me. I'm sorry I don't recall who-" She cut me off saying "Oh yes obviously you wouldn't. But knowing you're his fiancee I couldn't help but come talk to you."

Who's fiancee?



Well news travels fast.

"I don't understand what you're trying to imply here." I said and laughed lightly.

"You see me and Vidit go way way back." She said and suddenly I was coughing vigorously.

An ex or a friend?


Now do I have to deal with his exes?


Before I could reply to her an arm slid around my waist.

Mind you I was wearing a very hugeeeeee blazer.

I gasped and a whisper reached my ears "Vanilla go with the flow please.

Grinch turned his face to the lady.

Please?! Did he just say the word please???

I was pressed against his wall-

I mean his back which is equivalent to a wall.

Am I marrying a wall???

"Ms. Bhatt? How can I help you?" He asked in a deadly sweet tone.

He's the epitome of fakeness.

She shifted uncomfortably and said "Why are you..."

He cut her off efficiently "Anyway I see you met my fiancee?"

Pulling me closer he continued "I'll not forget to invite you to the afterparty." 


I would have been on the floor if he wasn't holding me right now.

His touch on my bare back is leaving me with goosebumps all over my body. I am reacting like a teen who has never been touched before.

I forced a smile on my face.

The look on her face was nothing but fury. If looks could kill I would've said Adios to the world.

"I need to talk to you." She said in a tone of urgency.

What does she want to talk about? About the weather??

Why do I care?

You know what might as well help this asshole.

Getting even more closer to grinch I said "Oh he would love to converse with you but unfortunately we have to go water the plants." 

And without giving her a chance to speak I took his hand and walked away.

After getting away from her I said "Yeah you can thank me later." 

"And why do you think you did something that is worth thanking for?" He asked and smirked.

I like him better when he speaks less.

I rolled my eyes and said "Who was she?"

He gave me that annoying smirk of his again and said "Why jealous already?" 

"I don't get jealous of people I didn't know existed 10 minutes ago." I said to which he didn't even bother replying to.

Ok maybe I like him when he talks as well.

I raised my eyes in a questioning manner and said "Let me guess. An ex?" 

He nodded and I continued "As long as she doesn't use her long ass nails to shred me like a rotisserie chicken. I think we are good."

He just looked at me with no expressions at all.

Cheers to one sided conversations fellas!!


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