17) Move back to India?

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Aaliyah's POV,The mehendi (henna) ceremony was very uneventful

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Aaliyah's POV,

The mehendi (henna) ceremony was very uneventful.

It was all about old aunties singing and dancing.

I personally don't like henna so I was in my own LaLa land.

How am I suppose to manage all this now? I live in New York. I was definitely not planning to come back for another year.

Even though my internship would end in a month after my vacation period is over. I wanted to  expand my residency.

I came here to see my bestfriend get married not to see myself get married.

I am leaving right after Shriya's wedding. 

I was going to leave just after a couple of days.

I was busy in my train of thoughts when someone poked my arm.

It was Bhai.

Getting up I said "Do you need something bhai?"

He shook his head in a no and said "It's time for dinner with the Arora's let's go."

I sat down again and massaged my temple.

Mr. Yamraj take me with you.

Bhai looked at me with a concern filled eyes.

"If you are not-"

"Bhai bhai don't worry I am just a little tired." I said and got on my feet again.

I motioned him to lead the way he did so but he still had that unsure and concern look on his face.

I know he would ask me if I am happy.

Does it matter really?

The way Vidit talked to me today was so different.

For a while I thought we could actually be friends. He was actually even kind to me.

Maybe even gave me 7 seconds of oh-so-lasting butterflies.

It was all in my empty head I think.

Was he only nice to be because I helped his mother?

It's like I was talking to the same old Vidit. 

So cold.

So closed off.

Yet so good loo-

Oh my god please.

We reached the very same restaurant where me and Vidit met up.

Vidit, Dimple aunty and the mystery girl was sitting there.

Are they going to say no? 

Is dimple aunty more fond of mystery girl now.

Why does it matter?

Good for me.

Vidit was engrossed in his phone. 

He is acting like that one kid who is forced to come on family dinners and now sulking because he wanted to be home and play videogames.

Even after the whole day his messy tired look is-

I should shut my mouth.

He looked up from his phone while looking straight at me while I was ingulfed in a bear hug.

"Oh my god finally! Maa has told me so much about you." The mystery girl said while smiling like a flower.

Wait what?


"Oh my god Vidhi let her breathe." Dimple aunty said while she made a oops face and muttered sorry.

I shook my head vigorously and said "I am sorry do I know-"

I was cut off by her efficiently "Oh yes! You probably don't know me I am Vidhi! His younger sister." 




I looked at Vidit who rolled his eyes at me and went back to his phone.


I greeted her with the same energy and the families too greeted each other.


Vidhi guided me to the seat beside that of Vidit.

He scowled at me while I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

Is he planning to cook me for dinner?

Then eat me like Americans eat their steak?

Dimple aunty's voice grabbed everyone's attention and she pulled a forced smile.

"Actually I have an announcement." She started.



Nah. These people filthy rich.

They can probably buy me.

My father and mother nodded.

"So Vidit is a very private person and thus we want to conduct a court marriage." She said and smiled again.



That was unexpected.

I would've expected an extra not-so-needed expensive wedding.

Vidit coming in a flying horse and all.

Ok no.

I never really had any crazy dreams of wearing a costume that is equal to the cost of my yearly College fees in states.

Works for me.

"But Dimple ji...We-" Dimple aunty cut mumma off and said "I know you have your dreams of sending off your daughter like a princess-"

Dad interrupted Dimple aunty and said "Okay we have no issues in that, It's better to be private than flaunt."

Wow is papa that eager to send me off to this grinch?

Does he not know Vidit the grinch will make a Who pudding out of me.

Am I a burden?

I have heard Dadi (grandma) say many times that I am a burden. While she showered all her love on bhai.

I guess it is better that I put them out of the misery and myself too.

But papa and mumma always gushed about how grand they want my wedding to be. 

Dimple aunty gave a bright smile to papa and mumma.

"How about we get them married before Aaliyah goes back?" Dimple aunty said in skeptical tone while looking at me.

How about I go steal Shriya and Yash's garland and bring it here? Why even wait till their marriage is over?

Let's do it right here on this dinner table.

Good idea right?

I am such a genius!!!!!!

Vidit was glaring hard at Dimple aunty.

This time papa smiled brightly at mumma and aunty and said "The sooner the better."

Papa added "In-fact Aaliyah's residency ends ends next month so she can come back after that."

Is he serious?

Wasn't he the one who asked mumma not to pressurize me to come back.


Let me just call packers and movers so that they can ship me off to YAMRAJ JI.

Aunty looked at me with an un-definable look and said "You are okay with this decision?"

Is she asking me about the date or the marriage in whole?

Nevertheless I nodded and smiled.




We have finished dinner and not once did Vidit glance at me.

Not that I wanted him to.

I am just proving that he is very mannerless Ipad kid.

He was talking to everyone but me occasionally.

Finally it was time to end this dinner which also happen to be the worst dinner of my life.

Even worse than a baby throwing up on me on the table back in New york.

During the dinner I made a decision after contemplating it 100 times.

I am going to complete my residency of a month and move back to India. 

Anyways  I was going to come back here why not sooner?

Vidit greeted everyone a good night and went out. 

Everyone but me.

I excused myself and ran after him.

Calling out his name I said "Vidit wait! I want to talk to you about something." 

He turned around like a Zara model would while doing his shoot.

"What?" Was all he said.

Way to make someone feel un-wanted.

"I- I uh...I am willing to move back to India." I said and looked at my feet to avoid his gaze.

I do not know how he maintains eye contact so efficiently.

Can't be me.

"So you will quit?" He asked and I nodded in approval.

He had a strange look on his face.

Oh my god.

Does he think I am proposing on being a housewife.

Without thinking twice I said "Wait what I mean is I am ready to move to India. I will continue my further studies and residency here. I didn't study my ass off to sit at home and do nothing and-"

He cut me off and said "Stop." 

I shut my mouth and looked at him dumbfounded.

He continued "Why do you speak so much?"

I gave him a fake smile and said "Oh I am sorry should I shut myself off using a button like you do?"

He gave me a 'what' look.

"Nevermind. And you want to move back because?" He asked and rolled his eyes as if he was expecting me to never come back.

"Because that would make both our families happy." I said scratching my jaw.

He took a minute to reply and was looking at me. Analyzing me like a QR scanner.

His eyes not leaving my face even for a second.

I am sweating and it's almost winters.

"Fine. When are you leaving?" He asked.

"Uhh in 3 days."

"Ok. We'll leave for states after 5 days then." He said and walked away.

Or maybe sprinted I don't know.



I didn't stop him.

Even though I wanted to ask him where he lives.

Guess I'll get to know sooner or later.

I was going to go back to my room.

I am in no mood to hear more marriage talks.

"Aaliyah! You're getting married?!" Ishaan came in front of me out of no where.

Oh god.

A/N- HELOOOO!! I hope yall are enjoying reading this as much as I am while writing it. Do leave your opinions in the comments! Thankyou! <3

 Do leave your opinions in the comments! Thankyou! <3

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