1) Miss my flight

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Aaliyah's POV

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Aaliyah's POV

"My beautiful, beautiful Aaliyah....I have this sudden urge to kiss you...." The Zayn Malik said looking into my eyes.

"Of-course Z please do the honors..." I said in a whisper.

Just when his lips were going to touch mine-

But there's one sound

"Aaliyah! You lazy bum! Get up" 

Is this mom's voice?

Oh my god! She will whoop my ass if she sees me kissing a boy!

"Why are you pouting in your sleep Aaliyah? You look like a constipated duck" I heard her voice yet again.



Ducks poop?

Let me have my peaceful sleep.

"Aaliyah! Wake up!" My mother dearest shouted again.

Let's try to ignore her.


"Aaliyah! If you don't get your bum up now, I'll pour water on you!" She shouted again.

"I am awake!" I yell and get up.

She's a typical indian mother. Who doesn't fail to scare me even if she is not near me.

I guess, I should just get ready now.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower and wore a white full sleeved crop top with black sweats and paired it with some Adidas sneakers. But the shoes will be worn outside. Not in the house. I will simply get disowned. I think I should go to the mall today. God. That was so random of me to say.

I pulled my waist till hair in a pony tail. Don't say anything nah-uh. This is most stylish and fashionable, I can be at...uh what's the time?

Oh yeah. 5:00 in the morning.

Wait what?

Why the hell did mom wake me up at 5 in the fucking morning? I could've been sleeping and dreaming about Zayn! Ugh.

I stormed downstairs and saw a suitcase and side bag.

Is someone going somewhere?

I went to the kitchen and saw mom making breakfast.

"Ma...you going somewhere?" I asked and hoped on the kitchen platform.

"Why and where would I go?" She said while cutting carrots.

EW. I hate carrots.

"Oh so why is that suitcase kept there?" I said and pointed at the suitcase.

She looked at me like, I have grown two heads.

I raised my eyebrows and said "So...?"

"Oh my lord! She has lost her mind for sure now. You have to go to your bestfriends wedding! Those are your luggage! Don't tell me you forgot! Now get ready fast or you'll miss your flight." She said and smacked my forehead.

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