8) Did not see that coming

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A/NHeloooo cuties!

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Heloooo cuties!

Happy new year! I know I am late :((( 



 Aaliyah's POV

"Wait..." Vidit said in a low tone.

I am sorry what?

I looked back at him with a little bit of fear in my tone I said "Yes?" 

"I...I..A-am sor-sorry." He said sighed.

Did he just apologize?

Damn. Did not see that coming ya'll.

I don't even know why people think a sorry can fix everything though.

Pathetic if you ask me.

But I didn't come here to hold grudges.

So I am gonna be the sweet little angel that I am and forgive him after-all I crossed my line too. 

"Will you say something or just stare at me vanilla?" He asked in frustration.


"Uh...umm do I need to see an Audiologist??" I asked and kept my palm on my mouth exaggerating.

He rolled his eyes and said "I suggest you to rather go to an ophthalmologist." 

He did not!

"You bummed into ME! Not the other way around." I said and pointed my fore  finger at him.

"Whatever floats your boat." He said and smirked.

Silence surrounded us.

All I could hear was sounds of crickets and a few honking noises.

He sighed and said "No but for real...I shouldn't have treated you that way." 

"Yeah yeah its fine...I didn't exactly do the right thing either...so I am sorry too."

He just nodded.

*buzz buzz*

Why is bhai calling me right now?

"Hello..." I said.

"Aalu! Thank god you picked up your phone!" He said in a relieved tone.

What's wrong why does he sound so tensed?

"Diya....she suddenly...she has a chest pain Aalu...I am scared...she's going to be fine right Aalu..." Bhai said panicking even more.

"Bhai calm down calm down can you tell me the exact spot? But first I need you to relax nothing will happen to our oreo."  I said trying to calm him down.

He took deep breaths and said "Yeah it is on the left side and she just a little below the collar bone." 

"Okay okay got it.  Bhai don't worry during pregnancy chest pain is very normal ok?" I said.

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