🌟End of part one🌟

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Hello, everyone! ❤️

"Find me" is my first, ever written and published novel. My whole story with writing started a year ago, when I was bored to death and looked for some game in AppStore. Then, I saw the game "Duskwood" and thought... why not? A year ago I downloaded this game and now (march 2023) I'm in the middle of writing the part 3 of the story. Crazy, isn't it?

I downloaded that game in a perfect time: when just nine episodes were released. Yes, because of that I was dying with impatience, waiting for the finale episode, but at the same time I had a free hand to create my own theory and version of ending. Well... As you can see, I was far away from the truth (my theory is completely different than the game ending), but it doesn't change the fact I had a lot of fun while putting my theories on a piece of paper 😆❤️

Now, we're slowly approaching a year from publishing "Find him" which was supposed to be only my draft. One day I just sat down and, again, asked "Why not?" and that's how I published my story...

And it was the best decision in my whole life.

I'm 21 now, and for my whole life I couldn't find my "thing". The chain of accidents and spontaneous decisions which also were helped by a little bit of luck and opportunities put me in the place where I can finally say I'm happy. Not only will I be grateful for Everbyte Studio for creating such game and help me find my life purpose, but also I will be grateful to you: every single person who devoted their time to read my works. I'm repeating it over and over again, but to the very end I will be thanking you for your support, countless private messages or comments and just being here with me ❤️

Like I said, now I'm in the process of writing part 3 of the story and still, I can see a lot of people who have been with me from the very beginning and keep supporting me until now. I'm grateful to all of you, but seeing people who started with "Find me" a year ago and seeing them in comments in "Remember me" is something what always makes me feel tears in my eyes... ❤️

That's why, I'm working on improving my skills for you all the time. Not only with the graphic part of my story (which I represent mostly in "Remember me") but also with the quality of story. Due to the fact that "Find me" was my very first novel, moreover, written in English which is not my native language, the way how I wrote is was TERRIBLE, which I noticed after practicing my English. Sometimes, I used to come back here to clear my mind and just relax after working on other things and I felt simply ashamed of my style here. That's why I decided to finally put my ass on a chair and correct this part of the story for you. According to all statistics, "Find him" is the most popular book on my profile, so I didn't want to discourage new readers with a horrible style of writing which I represented a year ago and which improved through the months.

So, here we are... There's a new, freshened up version of "Find him" and I truly hope you like it ❤️🤞🏼Correcting it took me a while, but I can finally say I'm happy about the final result. Today, "Fall for you again" is still in an original version (Except the first episode) and who knows? Maybe I will find some time to correct that too? Well, it would take me a lot of time but we will see what the future brings 🤭

I think my old readers, who are with me from the beginning, would feel a bit melancholic while reading a new version of the story. Maybe it was FULL of mistakes but still... Original readers will always remember the original version and I don't want you to forget that. On the contrary, let's think about the original version as something nice, only you had a chance to experience ❤️

Well then...

Happy birthday "Find him" and I truly hope you like that birthday present which is correcting your insides a bit 😆❤️

If you're new here - I truly hope you liked my story and that we will see each other again in the next parts! Can't wait to see you all in all detective clubs 🕵🏻 or ship-clubs 😏💞

Part two of the story 👉🏻 "Fall For You again" | COMPLETE ✅

Part three of the story 👉🏻 "Remember Me" | ONGOING ✍🏼

Stay safe,
Love you all,
xoxo_asgv ❤️

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐊𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃: 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐦 | ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora