Two weeks later#1 (Jake's POV)

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Jake's POV (Two weeks later, the hospital)

It's been two weeks since the day my nightmare related to Gilbert and the furious government chasing me ended for good. When Elena and I landed back in LA, we were immediately taken to the hospital, where I have been ever since, while Elena left right the next day.

My condition was so tragic that I was under the constant care of every possible specialist, and I didn't even know some of them existed. I had many broken ribs, bruises, was washed out of any minerals, and was in a state of anemia, and that's just the beginning of the souvenir list that the ex President gave me.

Yes, ex. Of course, I won't surprise you by saying that George won the election and now he and his government hold the baton of power. Right after the election, he dealt with the FBI, who finally stopped chasing me. In the meantime, Gilbert, the entire previous government, and everyone associated with him are now in custody and awaiting trial.

I'm a free man. After five years, I can finally go out on the street and I don't have to look around a million times with every step I take. I don't have to hide anymore, I don't have to spy on the FBI to know their progress in my case because... There is no longer my case. For the past two weeks, I have been not only free from Gilbert's persecution but also free from danger and fear that accompanied me over the past years.

Thanks to the intensive care of doctors, today I can finally leave the hospital, which is why I'm currently packing my things. As I mentioned, Elena left the hospital right after her leg wound caused by a gunshot was stitched up, but... Unfortunately, I haven't had any contact with her since then. She didn't send me a message or call me, and she didn't visit me during my stay here either.

Luka: Ew, you were right in that earpiece, you really look like shit - I heard his mocking chuckle behind me.

I turned back and saw that he was standing in the doorway of my room, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed and looking at me with his stupid smile, which immediately made me burst out laughing.

Jake: I missed you too, Luka - I approached him, hugged him, and patted his back.

Luka is like a brother to me that I never had. What am I saying, forget about genes, he's my true brother. Maybe Hannah and Lilly are somehow related to me by blood, but they will never be on the same level as Luka. It is with him that I grew up, made countless mistakes, had fun, or looked for myself... It's something I'll never forget or replace.

After we exchanged hugs, Luka helped me take my bags, and together we left the hospital and headed to DIC headquarters.

Jake: Did she contact you? - I looked at him uncertainly, leaning my elbow on the car door and lightly rubbing my chin.

Luka: No - He sighed and changed course - Listen, I'm not going to bullshit you. You're in deep shit - He looked at me and burst out laughing helplessly.

Jake: What? - I slightly narrowed my eyes - Why?

Luka: You'll find out when you see it with your own eyes - He looked at the road again and started nodding with his sneering smile - I'll explain everything to you, but you just have to see it for yourself.

For a moment, I looked at him with a slightly confused expression, but I didn't say a word. I also turned my head towards the road and my thoughts once again wandered around Elena.

After about half an hour, I finally spotted a familiar building and a slight smile appeared on my face. Well... Since the building of our company is still here, it means that Luka did pretty well during my absence. Let's say that Luka is the type of person who prefers to sleep than work, so I'm sure I have to repay him for this hard work somehow. Otherwise, for the next few years, he will be reminding me how much hard work he had to do during my disappearance whenever I ask him for anything again.

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