Clue number two

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Elena's POV (A few hours later, Luka's office, the DIC headquarters)

When we regained access to the previous version of software on Jake's laptop, everything became much easier. The empty computer was filled with countless files and data. What's more, it turned out that Jake has continuous, passive access to government accounts. This means we can read all the correspondence between these corrupt politicians...

 This means we can read all the correspondence between these corrupt politicians

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When I read those messages, I instantly paled and lost my breath for a moment.

Luka: Calm down, Elena - He put his hand on mine which is resting on the table and said calmly - These emails are from yesterday, right? That means first of all... - He raised a thumb on his other hand - Nothing has happened between them yet. Secondly... - He raised another finger - Jake is still alive. I know it may be hard, but I need you to be completely focused here.

Elena: You're right, I'm sorry - I swallowed, took a deep breath and nodded my head.

Luka also nodded and we continued reading the emails...

Luka: Are you sure you want to see this? - He rested his hand on his chin and sighed, still looking at the monitor - This folder can contain many

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Luka: Are you sure you want to see this? - He rested his hand on his chin and sighed, still looking at the monitor - This folder can contain many...

Elena: I need to know, Luka - I said firmly and nodded.

For a moment, Luka had his eyes closed, took a deep breath, and after a slight nod, he downloaded the chat file.

The entire folder was quite extensive, as it took several minutes to download, but eventually, we saw a complete package of files. For a moment, Luka hesitated whether it was a good idea to open the folder, but eventually, he took a deep breath and double-clicked on the downloaded file icon.

As soon as he opened the folder, we saw many photos of Jake... Alive, but barely...

The more pictures we went through, the less I recognized him. No, it's definitely not the same Jake I saw a few weeks ago. This Jake, in these photos was, terribly emaciated, exhausted, tied up in some basement, injured, and... for a moment, I wondered if it's a living human or corpse.

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