The preparation#1 (The cooperation)

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Elena's POV (A few minutes later, Luka's office, the DIC headquarters)

Elena: Luka, we're late - I put my hands on my mouth and my eyes filled with tears again - It's too late, we...

Luka: Fuck, no... - He grabbed his head and nervously paced around the room - No, it can't be too late...

Elena: Do you have any contacts with the opposition? - My voice shivered slightly.

Luka: I have no head for politics... - He sighed and looked at me with a resigned expression - Who is the opposition candidate?

Elena: I have no idea - I also grabbed my head and moved towards him.

Luka immediately reached for Jake's laptop from the desk and when he started typing the phrase "Presidential elections..." in the browser, I noticed something strange.

Elena: Luka, look! - I grabbed him by the shoulder while standing next to him and carefully looking at the search bar.

Luka: What? - He slightly narrowed his eyes.

Elena: Jake was also searching for him... - I pointed to the list of suggested pages that appeared - Look at these suggestions from already visited pages!

Luka: You're right - He nodded and immediately reached for the touchpad.

Then, following the line of suggestions and already visited pages began. We went through all the information about the election date, advertising posters, and political promises to citizens and after a while, we finally reached the most important page for us - the page with an advertising poster and information about the opposition representative of the current government.

Elena&Luka: George Webster? - We muttered in shock.

Elena: Never heard of him - I looked at Luka questioningly.

Luka: Me neither - He shrugged - I told you, politics and I are two different worlds. If it weren't for Jake's disappearance, I wouldn't even know who's in power now.

Elena: But look, here's his number - I pointed to the poster.

Luka: I doubt it will help us somehow - He sighed and continued exploring the page - I mean, yes, that's definitely his number, but it's most likely the number to his office. I'm not into politics, but it's quite logical that during elections, politicians give out their private numbers so that their secretaries can note the needs of citizens who call there. However, it would take us ages to get through to him by that number.

Elena: For some reason, Jake was interested in George... - I touched my chin - Is it possible that George was your client?

Luka: Maybe I don't have a good memory for names, but I don't recognize his face either... - He sighed and started nodding negatively - No, I definitely had no business to do with him.

Elena: What about Jake? - I looked at him - Jasmine told me that Jake used to take care of cases on his own. If you don't recognize him, maybe Jake was dealing with George's case?

Luka: Well... - He raised his eyebrows - With Jake, everything is possible. The more time I spend with you and the more of his crazy clues we find, the more willing I am to believe that George is the answer to our questions.

Elena: You told me that Jake's office is the heart of the DIC, right? - I continued - You mentioned something about important documents.

Luka: Yeah, I see where it's going... - He sighed, put his laptop on the table and headed towards the door - We've already been through this. Let's not waste any more time and just follow me.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐊𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃: 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐦 | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora