3 months earlier#2 (The end of Hannah's case)

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Elena's POV (An hour later, the hut in Duskwood)

Luckily, I made it here on time. I probably broke every possible traffic rule, but I don't give a shit. What matters is that I finally crossed the threshold of the hut, but it's so dark here...

Elena: I'm here, you fucking asshole! - I shouted angrily.

MWAF: Well, well... - I heard a very hoarse chuckle - Finally. For a moment, I thought you decided to leave them all alone. But as far as I can see, they're really important to you, Elena.

I still hear that terrifying voice, but I can't see anything and I can't locate the danger. The thought that haunts me is his voice because it sounds modulated... Yes, during his calls, he also used this terrifying modulator, but does that mean that it's his real voice?

Suddenly, the entire room was filled with light, and then I saw them. They were all sitting around a wooden table, their hands tied with ropes and tape over their mouths. When I saw them... my heart broke completely. They looked... horribly terrified. I saw tears running down Lilly and Jessy's cheeks. They wanted to say something so badly, but... they couldn't. Because of that damn tape I couldn't understand a word.

Elena: Like I said, I'm alone - I muttered angrily, turned around, and spread my arms - No police, no help, alone - I emphasized - Let them go.

MWAF: And what about your love? - He chuckled - How was he... Jake, right? Where is he? Weren't you inseparable?

And again, I heard his terrifying, loud laughter. It filled me with such anger that I wanted to grab him and hit him as hard as I could, but I still couldn't locate him. As I started spinning around to find him, he suddenly appeared in front of me.

Elena: Let them go - I said firmly and slowly, but without a hint of fear in my voice.

It seems to me that it's the adrenaline rushing through my body and mind that's causing my confidence. Because of it, I can't feel anything, not even fear. That's why I can stand here, right in front of him, and look at his masked face.

MWAF: Not so fast - he chuckled ominously and started to circle around me - I'd like to share a little story with you why I did this - he stood in front of me again and turned to my friends - I want each of you to hear my story before I kill your hero - Then he turned to me again and pointed his gun at me - Sit next to them.

I knew I had to comply with his demands. So, without any resistance, I sat next to Dan. Initially, he seemed to be the calmer one here, but when I sat next to him, I noticed a tear rolling down his cheek. When I saw that, my heart shattered. Feeling tears in my own eyes, I reached out and wiped his tear away.

MWAF: Oh, you're so cute - when I heard his horribly sarcastic tone again, I looked at him angrily - A group of loving friends. Even for a moment, I wanted to spare your lives.

Elena: Where's Hannah and Richy?

MWAF: I always keep my word - he said firmly - They are... - He chuckled and touched the spot on your mask where he would have a chin - How should I put it... - He chuckled again - In a safe place? - He shrugged - Anyway, they're safe - He finished quickly and walked towards the table.

Elena: Why am I so important to you? - I began - I don't even know Hannah, I have no idea why she gave my number to...

MWAF: You really don't remember... - He leaned his hands on the table and sounded slightly surprised and disbelieving.

Elena: No! - I shouted impatiently - Just tell me what the fuck is going on here!

MWAF: You used to live in Duskwood, Elena - When I heard that, I was stunned - You, Hannah, Richy, and Amy were all around 13 years old that day. The four of you were inseparable friends since kindergarten, and I... - He sighed - I had to meet you too.

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