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Elena's POV (Now, Elena's house in Duskwood)

It's been three months since the whole nightmare with Jennifer ended for good. Her case ended with a life sentence, and in the meantime, I moved permanently to Duskwood.

Unfortunately, I still don't remember my childhood, and I have no idea what happened in my life before my 16th birthday. So far, I've visited many doctors, but they never knew how to help me. I've had many medical tests done, but it was all pointless. The only thing doctors could tell me is that I never had a head injury that could have caused me to lose my memory. Some doctors even suggested that it could be caused by my body's reaction to trauma. What else could they tell me? That one day I may regain my memories, or I may never get them back at all.

Since I have no control over it, I started a new life here in Duskwood. I sold my previous home and bought a new one in this small town where all my friends are around me, and...

Oh, I forgot to mention one thing. It's also been three months since I last saw Jake either. The last time I saw him was in the cottage where he saved my life, but since then... Silence. In the meantime, I tried to find him somehow, but since I'm not a hacker, you can imagine that it was quite a difficult task. Of course, I missed him every day, but over time, I just... came to terms with the fact that he gave up on me and ran away. Nevertheless... I still have this stupid hope to this day. He knows I love him, but he never told me about his feelings. Despite that, I never gave up hope that he would come back someday.

Today, I have a day off. Another interesting fact is that I've been working at the motel with Lilly for three months now. I think I can call her my good friend now. I mean, of course, Jessy takes the top spot, but Lilly is right behind her, I think.

Lying lazily on the couch, I reached for my phone and started scrolling through my Instagram after posting a new photo. However, after a while, I saw a new message...

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes while still holding my phone above my face

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I took a deep breath and closed my eyes while still holding my phone above my face. I can't count how many times he has tried to flirt with me since I moved here, seriously. But what can I do? My heart belongs to Jake even if... he doesn't want it anymore...

After a few deep breaths, I opened my eyes and smiled slightly as I started the conversation with him...

After a few deep breaths, I opened my eyes and smiled slightly as I started the conversation with him

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