The DIC headquarters

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Elena's POV (A few minutes later, the DIC headquarters)

Luka passed me by and opened the door in front of me with his badge. It's the same badge I saw around Jake's neck on the day he disappeared, but I guess the information written on this one belongs to Luka.

I heard a strange sound, I guess it was the sound of the badge being accepted, and the moment I entered the building...

I froze and wanted to leave faster than I entered...

Elena: Nope - I raised my eyebrows, chuckled sarcastically, and turned on my foot - I changed my mind, I prefer to work around my own comfortable four walls full of cobwebs and rats in the basement

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Elena: Nope - I raised my eyebrows, chuckled sarcastically, and turned on my foot - I changed my mind, I prefer to work around my own comfortable four walls full of cobwebs and rats in the basement...

Luka: I warned you - He stood in my way and chuckled - Too late to run, Beautiful.

An angry grimace immediately appeared on my face, but I knew I couldn't win with him. So I took a deep breath, turned around, and started looking around the building...

Everyone here is so... Formal, elegant, and busy. Seriously, everyone here runs around, not even paying attention to me, saying some strange sentences to their earbuds or phones. Why is there such... Chaos here?

Luka: This way - He moved on.

I followed him, and the deeper I got into this area, the more people began to notice me and stare at me. Honestly? I'm not surprised. Compared to them, I look like a homeless person whom Luka took pity on.

Everything here is so... New, clean, and extravagant... I feel like I'm in some palace, not a corporation. No, this is definitely not my place. For the past 25 years, well, it's safer to say my last 9 years, which I remember, I avoided such places like the plague. No, I don't want to stay here for longer than the situation requires.

Luka suddenly stopped, and I was so busy looking around that I almost walked into his back. I managed to avoid it at the last moment and looked at him questioningly, and then I saw that Luka clicked the button to call the lift.

Elena: Snobs like you have stairs here? - I glanced up, still standing behind him like some embarrassed but still curious child behind their parent.

Luka: Um... - He immediately furrowed his brow and looked at me, lightly snickering - What?

Elena: For your information, choosing stairs is a much healthier choice for your stiff bones than a comfortable lift - I sarcastically chuckled - Do you even take care of the health and well-being of your employees here?

Luka: You're messing with me right now, right? - He turned to me and snickered with disbelief - Wait, wait... - He furrowed his brow again and pointed at me - Didn't you tell me that Jake's motel room was number 72?

Elena: Yeah - I said without hesitation and nodded.

Luka: And then you also chose the stairs?

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