Two weeks later#2 (Elena&Jake's meeting)

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Elena's POV (Two weeks later, the motel, Duskwood)

I took a deep breath and stood up from my desk, because I finally finished my shift.

Elena: See you tomorrow, Lilly - I smiled at her as I put on my jacket - Just don't stay too late, okay?

I have to admit, I've been really worried about her for the past few days. With everything that's been going on lately, she's lost a lot of weight, become pale, and seems to have lost some of her spark...

Lilly: Of course, don't worry about me, I'm a big girl - She smiled at me while typing on her computer - I'm leaving soon too - She looked at me and giggled.

Elena: Richy will pick you up? - I put my bag on my shoulder.

Lilly: Mhm, yeah... - She paused for a moment, looking away from the monitor and frowned at me - Wait a minute, I should be the one worrying about you here - She pointed at me - You're the one who's going home alone.

I just smiled lightly, sent her a kiss, and left the hotel. Honestly? I'm exhausted. I had to catch up on all the work that piled up while I was absent for a few weeks due to Jake's case. Of course, Lilly tried to do all those things for me, but it was just too much to do it alone.

I got into my car, started the engine and the radio, and headed towards my house. After 10 minutes, I was already in my yard.

When I entered the house and closed the door behind me, I leaned my back against it and took a deep breath. Well... I think I'm slowly leaving the past behind and moving on. Since we found Jake, I've really been trying not to think about everything, but sometimes... it's too hard. I haven't said a word about Jake to anyone... Oh, okay, I told everything to Lilly.

I mean, I had to tell all my friends from Duskwood what had happened, but I told them just much as they should know. When they wanted to ask about Jake and our relations, I immediately changed the subject. I just wanted to forget about him, I... have to forget about him. That's why I didn't visit him once in the hospital during our stay there, it would be pointless. Since we're from completely different worlds... we would only destroy each other with empty promises and hope. The only thing it would lead to is suffering and more tears, which I don't want.

Yes, the more I think about it and the longer time passes, the more it seems to me that it was a good decision to cut myself off from it. I just have to... forget.

Now when I think about Jake... I feel a little lost and confused because I don't know how I feel about him anymore. I'm aware that yes, such a person exists, but... that's it. That's probably the perfect proof that time heals all wounds, right?

After thinking about it for a while, I moved forward, put my bag on the couch, and headed towards the kitchen. Maybe for the last few minutes, Jake has been filling my head, but now it's definitely hunger! I opened the fridge door and when I started to rummage through it to find something to eat, I heard my ringtone. I reached into my pocket and took out my phone, but didn't look at the screen.

Jessy: Hi, indestructible bitch - She laughed.

Elena: What this time? Rooftop party? - I chuckled as I rummaged through the fridge.

Jessy: Close, party at Dan's house.

Elena: Sounds tempting, but unfortunately, I have to reject you little offer - I sighed and leaned against the fridge door - I have a terrible headache. You know, I finally caught up with my work today...

Jessy: Elena, you work way too much - She said firmly - You just got out of the hospital a few days ago and the next day you went to work...

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